The beauty of “Made in Italy” with “R”

Anna Maria Ziliani Scarani tells: the beauty of  “Made in Italy” with “R”

“Nine”: a biblical Rio Yachts Bonitonumber classed as a perfect number that is even able to measure many lives.

The first sheet of 2019 calendar therefore leads to count what has happened in the years ending in “9” . A little for fun but also to see considerable coincidences that have made history.

The year was 1979 and Cantiere Rio, more inclined to look forward (prophetically?)  than to ride the wave of the moment since always, foresaw the possibility of conquest offered by overseas markets (confirmed by the data coming from a developed marketing providing the identikit of a useful target). Yes, the Americans – and not only – love the beauty of “Made in Italy”. So, why not increase the wealth of elegance of Rio Yachts’ design? Said and done: the shipyard took the giant step hand in hand with a great Italian fashion designer: Roberta di Camerino. The prestigious model RIO 580 CABIN – which entered the catalogue in 1979 – was therefore dressed by the famous stylist. ” Brands over brands”. Roberta di Camerino’s style occupied interiors and, above all, exteriors with interesting colour combinations.

Happy End: the result was a successful, refined, even sophisticated product, attractive at fist sight. Thanks Roberta!

After 40 years, your elegance still feeds us.

Rio Yachts’ mission

Rio Yachts EsperaA true player of “Made in Italy” and innovation since always, it is constantly changing: that is RIO YACHTS.

The shipyard has been building boats since 1961 – the dawn of recreational boating – and is situated in the upper range of the market today with boats from 10 to 20 meters in length: its boats are contemporary, innovative, with great attention to details, designed for a demanding, educated, refined clientele.

RIO YACHTS guarantees to its customers a unique heritage of coherence, reliability and professionalism: an added value in an increasingly mature, globalized and fragmented market where the most authentic spirit of sailing often risks to be lost. The headquarters is located in the province of Bergamo and incorporates offices and a shipping center. However, RIO YACHTS has also a facility specialized in the development of prototypes in the province of Parma as well as a showroom in Naples.

RIO YACHTS’ production characterizes for continuous commitment and meticulous attention to detail that are typical of craft culture: every single piece goes to sea with its own uniqueness and identity, giving the customer the highest level of customization which is hard to find in other realities.

Rio has a long authentic history, rich of innovations, always lived, with important changes, with a leading role. Passion for the sea and the beauty, attention to the customer, study and research: these are the 4 pillars of a doctrine of “doing” that has made a mark.


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