Sometimes, the secret to success is much lessAbsolute Yachts 40 STL secret than one might think. A good product and a tight-knit team are enough to produce unthinkable effects on the market. That’s – in my opinion – the definitive key to success of the Podenzano-based boatyard that, over the last few years, has got bigger and bigger by conquering the hearts and minds of the audience all round the world.

These days, the highly active Italian shipyard has joined Montecarlo for another important event: the Monaco Yacht Show.

We, too, of course, have arrived in Montecarlo.

While walking along the Quai Antoine this morning, we have spotted a brand-new 40 STL yacht docked just next to the quay. Although she is the “smallest” member and the entry-level of Absolute Yachts family, she floats sumptuously, not at all cowed by megayachts docked all around.

Absolute Yachts Team
Absolute Yachts’ team

We approach the boat and meet two old acquaintances of ours:  Alo Streinmann and Alexey Silishchev. They’re Absolute dealers for Baltic countries, Ucraina and Montecarlo. We’ve known them for a long time, they’re very funny, so we decide to have a coffee all together.

So, while relaxing, Alo tells us what happened a couple of hours before when a distinguished gentleman approached to them to ask for additional information about the boat on display. After visiting it and fixing a following appointment to discuss the price, he candidly reveals he lives just 20 metres away from the port.

The gentleman tells he had spotted the Absolute 40 STL from the window of his apartment. Entranced by the beauty of the boat, he went out, he bought an entrance ticket (very expensive!) to the boat show and he immediately climbed on board.

In Montecarlo, we know, anything can happen. We ourselves can testify this.



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