What happens overseas, in the world’s largest recreational boating market? Which features must Italian boats have to be successful in the USA? We interviewed a leading player of the US boating market, who has already stepped into Europe by choosing to become Rio Yachts exclusive dealer. We’re talking about Aderbal Coelho Junior, the exclusive dealer in the United States for the Italian brand.

Native of Brazil, where he started his career, he currently lives and works in Miami and he has intimate knowledge of South America, Florida and California market.

We met him at the Miami Boat Show during our sea trial of the Rio Yachts 42 Air.

Dealer Rio Yachts
Aderbal Coelho Junior, exclusive Rio Yachts dealer in the USA and South America on board the Rio 42 Air during our sea trial in Miami.

You’re Rio Yachts exclusive dealer for both American and Brazilian market. Why did you make this choice?

The choice was made some years ago. At that time, we were looking for highly customizable boats with a strong personality. Different boats for a different kind of customers. On the other hand, we made this choice because we’re constantly looking for high quality both here, in America, and in Brazil. In short, Italian style expressed in the USA. And Rio Yachts proved to be what we were exactly looking for.

Are there any differences between these two markets?

Yes, there are. We can’t have in America the same boats built in Europe. I don’t just mean structural aspects but a  series of key elements depending on many factors, not least cultural reasons. In the USA, especially in the South, owners use their boats in a different way than in Europe and they usually need fewer cabins, more space, more powerful systems, more powerful air conditioning and easier access to both systems and equipment. On the other hand, tropical weather in South Florida, Brazil and the whole surrounding area is hot; so, boats must necessarily adapt to this condition.

Both Europe and the USA have experienced a deep global crisis in the last years. What do you think about the current economic situation in the USA?

I think that American economy is experiencing a positive recovery, as we could see in the last two months. The market shows good growth, prospects are good and dollar is stronger than euro, which might result in a good advantage for us.

What are your future plans?

Our aim is to distribute bigger and bigger yachts, with a length of over 60, 68, 75 or even 78 feet since these are the current market demands. And, above all, we want to keep high quality and high customization at the centre of our business strategy.




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