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The newborn of Advance yard is am exclusive fast funny “weekender” with an advanced construction technique which ensures it a low final displacement, only 7100 kg. Its design is the result of the collaboration between Roberto Biscontini and Nauta Design: the first one is a great lover of races ( Luna Rossa is just an example), the other is the best boat interiors designer in the world that, not by chance, has managed to create the biggest yacht in the world and the most popular sailing boats on the market.

So, here is A44, a real “racing” boat, ideal for short cruises, too.

Crowned “European Boat of the Year” in 2015, this 13-metre-boat joins a range the yard is enlarging with almost a project a year. The first model was A66, later followed by A44 and A80, while new A62 and A100 are coming soon. Advanced 44 will be at all the autum boat shows and, we can tell you, we liked it very much. It’s an out-of-the-ordinary brave fast boat.


Interior spaces include a huge wonderful open-space. The original idea was to create a boat for short trips, an input the yard has respected and produced but according some standards typical of bigger boats and with very elegant finishings.

In addition to the large bright spacious elegant space accessible through the ladders, there are a bathroom, an astern cabin and a large technical locker. The fore cabin is just next to the dinette, which can be separated through a blind.

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In terms of available volumes, despite the 14-metre-long hull, waterlines and deckhouse don’t help. However, Nauta has arranged all spaces very well. All in all, the boat’s appearance is elegant and welcoming but always with something typically “racing”.

IMG_3047 (2)As regards cabins, the astern one is large and with a traditional layout, while the shipowern’s one is a real suite. The choice to not divide it from the living zone is brave but consistent with the general phylosophy of the boat. At the express request of the owner, low attention has been drawn to the chart area and the kitchen, just a kitchenette with no oven.

On the contrary, another strength of this boat is the bathroom: huge, functional, with exclusive high-quality finishings.



Sailing on A44 is an absolute pleasure. Its speed and simple handling make any helmsman selfish and happy.

IMG_2985At first, she can intimidate a little, you have to get the hang, especially at high speed.

But the boat astonishes for her high speeds, excellent accelerations, surprising agility and stability.

With a true 10-knot-wind you can reach up to 7.5 knots very fast. With the Code, you can even reach 9.1 knots.IMG_2980

Manoeuvring is very simple thanks to a very free deck and and the user-friendly Code, essential on a bottom ike this.

All this happens on a “domesticated” special version wanted by the shipowner (maybe, too much gentle), with no square-top mainsail and traveller. IMG_3015But the yard has announced the arrival of another version we look forward to discover.

Engine, too, has good performances: with only 40 HP it can travel at 2400 revolutions/minute at 7.2 knots




Advanced 44 – Technical File

Lunghezza f.t.: m 13,46
Lunghezza al galleggiamento: m 12,70
Larghezza massima: m 4,25
Pescaggio: 3.30 m
Peso imbarcazione: 7.100 kg
Peso zavorra: 2.600 kg
Albero: in carbonio frazionato, a 9/10 con due ordini di crocette acquartierate a 20°.
Sartiame: tondino d’acciaio discontinuo.
Superficie velica randa: mq 74 (versione squared top); mq 64 (standard)
Superficie velica jib al 108%: mq 51
Superficie vela gennaker: mq 178
Motorizzazione barca in prova: 40 HP
Trasmissione: S drive
Capacità serbatoi acqua: 300 litri
Capacità serbatoi nafta: 200 litri
Progetto: Advanced Yachts – Biscontini Yacht Design; design di interni ed esterni Nauta Yachts
Costruttore: Advanced Yachts Via Brera, 6, 20121 Milano, tel: +39 02 433507224,
Categoria di progettazione CE: A
Dimensioni vele
I = 18.00 m
J = 5.30 m
P = 18.00 m
E = 6.00 m
Materiale di costruzione scafo e coperta: in sandwich di vtr con resina eposiddica, anima in PVC, rinforzi in carbonio nei punti di maggior carico. Bulbo costruito su stampo femmina con la tecnica dell’infusione. Materiale di costruzione coperta: è realizzata in sandwich con anima in balsa.
Chiglia: in acciaio con bulbo finale in piombo (4% di antimonio).
Timone: in composito con anima in PVC e assi in acciaio.
Interni: sandwich di PVC con pannelli esterni in legno di rovere sbiancato.

Advanced 44 – I numeri

Condizioni della prova: mare calmo, 6 persone a bordo, carichi liquidi 40%.
Vento reale: 10 nodi
Bolina stretta: 6,6 nodi
Bolina larga: 7,7
Traverso: 9,1 (col Code 0)
Lasco e poppa: 8,6 nodi (130 ° col Code 0)– 6,5 (a 170° col Code 0)
Velocità massima sotto raffica: 11,1 nodi
Velocità a motore:
massima: 8,7 nodi a 3.000 giri
in crociera: 7,2 a 2.400 giri




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