AmperAuto: production synergies between automotive and yachting sectors

AmperAuto is a SME that looks to the yachting sector with a very long experience in the automotive sector of the Turin pole, that of excellence, and it is a perfect example of an electromechanical and electronic productivity able to put on the market cutting-edge Made in Italy devices that are also used in the yachting sector, a sector that is loudly demanding more supplies and (like the others) is going through a period of strong production crisis.

There is a player that skilfully ranges from the automotive to the marine accessories segment: it’s AmperAuto, operating with its three divisions: AmperMarine, Domotic and EMC LAB. AmperAuto deploys cross-divisional synergies that are needed at a time when the market is hungry for productivity, unable to meet demand. AmperAuto’s strategy is backed up by a series of certifications that accompany the company’s ‘charter of values’, including ISO 9001 for “Robust Design”, WCM, also known as “World Class Manufacturing”, and IATF.

The company

Established in 1947, AmperAuto AmperMarine headquartershistorical supplier of FIAT group and more recently CNHi group reference supplier for its products, AmperAuto is a 120-employee company that operates in the former Mirafiori factory in Turin.

It has 11,000 square metres of green pavilions, ‘equipped’ with a 400,000 kWh photovoltaic mega-system capable of meeting 75% of its power needs autonomously. That of solar power is an ecological trademark and a source of great pride in terms of corporate social responsibility.

The substantial turnover, reaching 11 million euros in 2020 alone, is the result of a far-sighted business that looks to automation, speaking both of ‘pragmatic’ science and technology, and of “growth in an area with great potential for logistics and the dissemination of skills”, explains Fabrizio Valle, owner of AmperAuto.

AmperAuto and AmperMarine

underwater lightingThe company is a leader in several fields, designing and producing electromechanical and electronic devices for the automotive and railway sectors. AmperAuto pursues innovation in all its processes, including mechanical and electronic development and automated production, and does so with great success.

But there is also a crown jewel: the AmperMarine division, which, with its ultra-innovative, wireless lighting solutions, finds ample space in the yachting industry, with a commitment to the “new, refitting and retrofitting” segments. There are two models of spotlights “patented wireless specifically for yachts,” says Fabrizio Valle. It should also be noted that these recreational devices communicate perfectly with the CAN-BUS system used by yachts.

Added to this is the unique AmperAuto staffEMC LAB division, among the most advanced and comprehensive of the territory, which includes a laboratory for Electromagnetic Compatibility testing in the civil and automotive fields. The laboratory is designed to provide a complete service for emission and immunity tests, conducted and irradiated, using state-of-the-art instrumentation.

At AmperAuto, the entire production cycle is carried out in-house to ensure “the best possible supervision”. The company, Covid-19 permitting, will be at the next Boot in Düsseldorf, where it will present its range of wireless lighting solutions, designed specifically for yachts.



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