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As it often happens, man can copy or be inspired by nature. The new stabilizers for superyachts, for example, are inspired to whale fins. The idea was developed by a Dutch company, Dynamic Marine Systems (DMS), whose technicians designed these new stabilizers, called Antiroll, efficient both when the yacht is sailing and stationary.

PowerPoint-presentatieHow do they work? It’s a unique system moving on a double axis: while the yacht is sailing, they turn; on the contrary, when the yacht is stationary, they work like flaps. These “fins”, which move like whales’ones, are retractable. Consequently, when they are off, they hide themselves under the hull and they can be mounted at a later stage.

The video below shows how Antiroll simulate the motion of whale fins when used to stabilise a stationary or moving yacht.

AntiRoll is conceived for a yacht of over 30 metres, motor or sailing. They ensure great comfort aboard and excellent performances both when the boat is sailing and anchored.

The revolution – explains Patrick Noor, Sales and Marketing Maganer of DMS  – is that Antiroll is 2-3 times more efficient than other stabilizers. We went beyond the usual compromise reached by the other models which work both when the yacht is stationary and moving. They move in a natural soft way and they don’t need any cavities in the hull to be mounted



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