Davide Terraneo

Troostwijk Cantieri Baglietto

Troostwijk: three boat auctions until January 30th

Finding a luxury yacht at a good price without risking a con? The challenge is difficult yet not impossible. We’ve already talked about Troostwijk and boats auctioned by some leasing companies because their owners ran

troostwijk boat auction

Troostwijk auctions two boats for the next 15 days

What happens when a yacht owner can’t afford to pay it? Generally, the boat is auctioned at a very low price to the delight of new buyers. The Europe’s largest and most highly respected online

Solé Diesel engines

Solé Diesel: professional engines seduce yachtsmen

Marine diesel engines, marine generators, installation kits, engine shafts, propellers, electric systems… The list is even longer but, maybe, we’ve already made the idea. Solé Diesel is a company where “multitasking” is the main priority, specialized

Karnic SL 602

Karnic SL 602: the realm of versatility

From Cyprus to Genoa to present versatile boats designed to suit different needs. Karnic Boats is one of the boatyards that make internationality a distinctive feature of the Genoa Boat Show which, in turn, therefore becomes a

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