

Tuccoli: all-purpose fishing boats

The Italian shipyard Tuccoli builds fishing boats for both fishing and comfortable cruising Boasting a 70-year tradition handed down across three generations, the Italian shipyard Tuccoli has certainly made fisherman boats a true artisanal culture.


Cantiere del Pardo: with Wise Equity, growth goes faster

Wise Equity accelerates the growth of Cantiere del Pardo  The tireless and hyperactive Italian shipyard concludes a new large-scale deal. Only 5 months after the acquisition of VanDutch, Cantiere del Pardo returns to fill the

boat wedding

Pura Follia: boat wedding is now a reality

Boat wedding is now possible: Pura Follia is an Ice 60 yacht that will walk you down the aisle….by sea! If love is riding high but your “big day” has been postponed due to anti-Covid


The new digital magazine is born

The International Yachting Media widens its editorial offer, On the homepage, the exclusive interview with designer Sergio Cutolo The International Yachting Media, the international yachting digital portal, launches a new magazine: The new

Viking Grace

Viking Grace driven on the rocks by a wind storm

Finnish ship Viking Grace stranded off the Aland Islands Can 40-knot gusts drag almost 60 thousand tons at will? Yes, it happened in the freezing Finnish waters. Protagonist of this spectacular accident, fortunately with no

Quick Energy Range

Quick Energy Range: many products for every type of boat

The products of the Energy Range by Quick are extraordinarily versatile. Let’s see why   Quick, international leader in the production of nautical equipment, offers a wide selection of products belonging to the Energy Range

Bavaria 49

Used boats under the lens: Bavaria 49

Bavaria 49  Among the largest models of the German shipyard, the Bavaria 49 is a real evergreen, available on the market at truly interesting prices. Ideal for anyone looking for comfort on board and excitement

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