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Nico Caponetto

casting off safely in windy weather

Casting off safely in windy weather

Casting off safely: three tricks for easy maneuvres in port It’s time to cast off. A nice fresh wind promises exciting navigation giving us a few hours of pure sailing. But… But the same wind

Boating superstitions. What you shouldn’t do on board

Boating superstitions: when superstition takes off   When the two guests that I was waiting for looked out on jetty P4 of the Marina di Procida, a mixture of curiosity, astonishment and panic spread among skippers, mooring

night sailing


Sunset is probably the moment when night sailing really starts. On the emotional level, first of all. I think it doesn’t matter how many nights you have spent at sea throughout your life. With experience,

Lavezzi and Budelli

Lavezzi and Budelli, an anchorage in the clouds

Lavezzi and Budelli Drawing the anchor in the waters of Cala Lazzarina in Lavezzi or Manto della Madonna in Budelli means to run the risk of confusing the border between sea and sky. Here, water

Tankoa S533 SAETTA

Tankoa S533: 53 meters of planing power

Tankoa S533 Saetta Highly aggressive lines, perfectly in line with the conceptual philosophy of the boatyard, 53-meter length and a maximum beam of over 9 meters. This is the business card of the new Tankoa

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