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Boat Supply

fishing line

The importance of choice of fishing line in boat fishing

The most popular fishing line in boat fishing is the nylon monofilament one. The qualities which justify this supremacy are essentially three: easy availability, affordable price and, above all, the user-friendly junctions that it makes

Teaknotek, the synthetic teak by Flexiteek

Teaknotek, when synthetic teak decking is called Flexiteek

Imported and installed in Italy by Teaknotek, Flexiteek is the ultimate synthetic teak decking for boats. Invented in 2000, the product has progressively undergone an intense process of technological development which has brought it to achievements which

bluefin tuna catching

How to catch bluefin tuna: lines and terminal tackle

In Italy, where tuna fish generally has a size ranging from 30 to 70 Kg (with some rare exceptions where fish is even bigger), drifting  often replaces drift-net fishing, fishing at anchor or other fishing

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