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What’s a boat trim? What is it for? How to use it to improve our boat’s performances and sail safely? We’ll tell you it always in collaboration with Nautirca Feltrinelli in the second of a long series of tutorials we recorded in their seat of Bogliaco di Gargnano, on Garda Lake.trim3

Often overlooked, especially by less experienced yachtmen, trim is an trim6useful tool to handle a boat. But how to use it when leaving? And at high speeds? And how to take full advantage of it when we steer?

The boat we used is an elegant one-engine Frauscher 747 and our tutor is Dino Feltrinelli.

Last week, our first tutorial dealt with side berthing. In the list below, you can see what we’re preparing for you:

1) Side berthing with single-engine efb (two tutorials)

2) Side berthing with double-engine efb (the first tutorial has been already published)

3) How to use trim, with a double-engine boat

4) Stern mooring

5) Propellers, how they work and how to choose them

Meanwhile, we are recording some other tutorials on a Nuova Jolly Prince 23, in collaboration with Raymarine. Carlo Bay, Country Manager of the company, will show us the main news of the market and the tricks to use them.



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