Boating News, the most popular yachting app gets a makeover

New graphic design and new features for the Boating News App, the most-read in boating.

The International Yachting Media, the world’s most widely read digital yachting publisher continues to amaze. The latest news can be easily discovered by simply taking your smartphone and downloading, for free as always, the new version of the renowned BOATING NEWS App, available for both IOS and Android devices.

The graphics are new, as well as the available functions, such as one that allows you to increase or decrease the size of the text of the articles as desired or the possibility to search for a boat through all the magazines, from a single window. All articles, including sea trials, can also be sent, via whatsapp or e-mail, or shared on social media to trigger passionate discussions about the object of our desires.


A new look, Boating-News-App-verticalcreated to celebrate the launch of two more editions, this time in German, of two of the six magazines the publishing group publishes in 12 independent international editions:

  • Yacht Digest, an innovative, ad-free digital product published in English and Italian, elegantly formatted with the highest quality images and videos offering an unparalleled overview;
  • SuperYachts, dedicated to yachts over 24 meters in length, which boasts no less than five editions: Italian, English, Russiana, Spanish and, the newcomer, the German edition;
  • Yachting News, the English magazine read worldwide, which is now joined by the German edition;
  • TuttoBarche, the renowned Italian magazine;
  • TousLesBateaux, the leading digital magazine in France and Canada;
  • TodosLosBarcos, the Spanish-language magazine that has conquered the United States, Latin America and, of course, Spain

In short, with a single app you can read as many as six yachting magazines for free, meeting the tastes and needs of boat owners around the world, which, demonstrating the success of the initiative, generate more than 30,000 page views per day on the Boating News App alone.

What’s more, Boating News provides access to our Online pilot book, the largest and most widely consulted in Europe, the only one to have ports and anchorages on the same map, and to the Video Channel, with all the videos of sea trials and the most spectacular boats.

In addition to simplicity, however, what distinguishes the Boating News App is its speed of operation. In fact, the app allows content to load at lightning speed. Articles, converted to native language, do not consume giga while being able to return images of unparalleled quality.

Boating News is a digital initiative designed to be even closer to our readers who, wherever they are, in their moments of relaxation or need, will be able to consult the latest news from the boating world and draw on the huge archive of news that composes our media system.

How much does it cost? Nothing, as we said. Because the most beautiful emotions are not bought but experienced.



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