Would you like hundreds of boats available instead of just a single one? And without breaking the bank? Well, the answer is Boatswapping.online, the innovative online platform gathering a community of boat owners that make available their own boats in exchange of hundreds of other ones.

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The worldwide map of the marinas where the members of the community make available their boats.

It’s a sort of worldwide yacht club, to quote the words of Fabrizio Fabbri, the founder of the online service. The platform allows boat holders to exchange their boats, share information about navigation and worldwide itineraries as long with the possibility to consider sailing far-from-home seas accessible only by charter companies so far.

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The file of a boat available in the platform

For the time being, Boatswapping.online offers over 300 boats available. And the platform is extremely user-friendly and sharing-oriented, as required by the current 2.0 economy and sharing system: the user makes available his own boat, totally for free for the other members of the website, and has the opportunity to choose another one whenever another member of the platform community is available to offer his own boat.

Just three minutes are sufficient for the user to join the website and enter his personal details, a few specifications and photographs of his own boat as long with personal advice, utilisation rules and specific requests. After this step, the user can immediately enters a club gathering boating enthusiasts from 235 different marinas spread all around the world (at the time of writing, but figures increase day by day). The boat owners who have already joined Boatswapping.online currently come from 23 different countries.

Everyone can join the platform, regardless whether he owes a sailing or a motor boat, a dinghy or a megayacht, a fishing boat or a rib. What’s important is that it’s a means to sail at sea, or at least in water: many boaters indeed make their boat available at the lake and look for salty waters where to sail. In practice, users say what they want and declare what they’re looking for. When two users have the same desires, the exchange is done and they only have to come aboard and start to sail.

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The page showing the results of a boat research

The platform is already fully active. At least during this first launch phases, users can join it for free but it is not excluded that a club due might be required for those who decide to register at a later stage.

Because of its international cosmopolitan nature, Boatswapping includes five different pages for five different languages: Italian (scambiobarca.online), French (echangedebateau.online), English (boatswapping.online), Spanish (intercambiobarco.online) and German (bootstausch.online).

Boatswapping.online has even gone further and it has added the possibility to exchange, in addition to boats, even a holiday thanks to an agreement between the different owners of the community: those who are worried about the possibile use of their own boat can decide to share it and board with the other users. It’s a very interesting initiative. Of course, that’s not just a simple matter of… jealousy but it might result into further advantages. For example, the user could be interested to experience a cruise in an area he doesn’t know or where geographical conditions, such as streams and sea bottoms, or weather conditions are so particular that they could require the presence of an experienced skipper on board. Well, in this case, instead of purchasing the services of an expert, the user can simply look for a boat where the owner can also be the skipper and then return the hospitality with his boat in his seas. scambiobarca online

Furthermore, the exchange relationship is not limited to the boat but can include even a certain share of experience. On board, the user can indeed find an owner’s letter suggesting the restaurants where to eat, the most interesting bays to visit or the most useful tips.

Finally, the platform offers interesting opportunities for professionals, too. For example, two or more skippers can decide to exchange their boats in order to offer their clients more destinations. This way, customers are guaranteed and job opportunities increase.

In short, if you want to sail with no borders, you cannot fail to take this opportunity: after all, is it better to have just one single boat or many more?


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