It’s official: Boot Düsseldorf will be held from 23 to 31 January 2021

Boot Düsseldorf officially confirmed from 23 to 31 January 2021

For the time being, the dates are confirmed. Then, from here to until next January 23rd, the whole boating world hopes that Covid-19 will not affect the event, causing its cancellation, as it already happened in Monaco, Cannes and Amsterdam.

The new edition of Boot Düsseldorf has been officially scheduled: the long-awaited international yachting exhibition will be held from 23 to 31 January 2021 in the regional capital of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Caravan Salon, another event which, organized by the same Boot organizers,  has just drawn to a close, paved the way for this decision.

The event proved that trade fairs in Düsseldorf are successful and that exhibitors can produce impressive economic results, even under the new rules. We’re delighted by this outcome, as it has demonstrated that trade fairs continue to be an essential marketing tool for both the caravanning industry and the water sports sector, even in today’s climate”. This is how Wolfram Diener, CEO Messe Düsseldorf, describes his satisfaction with the success of the event and hope for an equally good result for the nautical exhibition.

The planning for boot 2021 is on course and the current registration numbers are, overall, the same as they were in 2019. Almost all of the boat and yacht manufacturers that were on board in 2020 are back for 2021.

All in all, booking numbers for boot are excellent and we have even got halls in which almost every square metre has been booked up, such as the luxury yacht halls 5 and 6 – explains Petros Michelidakis, Project Director for boot – Industries that have been hit hard by the crisis, such as the tourism industry, haven’t yet returned to their previous levels. However, we are discussing matters actively with these regions and travel agents in order to make participating in the trade fair possible for them.

Boot Düsseldorf 2021 will be 100% Covid-compliant

As in the case of Caravan Salon, a comprehensive hygiene and protection concept in boot-dusseldorf-2021-wing-surfingclose cooperation with the authorities and in coordination with the state government has been already developed. This is constantly adapted to meet the latest demands.

During the event, in fact, exhibitors will be asked to use thermal scanners, an economical way to simplify the registration procedure.

At Boot Düsseldorf 2021, shipyards will exhibit motorboats, sailboats, inflatable boats, Maxi Ribs as well as the most important world premieres and the best of marine equipment. As usual, special attention will be also paid to boards, diving equipment, watersports and charter companies.

The main attractions will include “The Wave”, a 65-meter flatwater for wing surfing, a new springboard with a 360-degree view and the popular canoe route, which this time  will take place at a strict safe distance.



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