Buy a boat, Coronavirus can’t swim

Nothing will be Coronavirus-cant-swim-buy-a-boatback as normal. That’s for sure, everybody knows that.

In a few weeks, restrictions will be eased and we will all begin to experience a new way of working, moving and interacting with people.

In short, a new way of life which will also include the need, extraordinarily vital today, to go on holiday and fill the eyes with open spaces and freedom.

But how can we do this without endangering our own health and that of our loved ones?

The first thing to avoid is absolutely going to crowded places, where living spaces are very tight and contacts inevitable. The travel includes in itself very high risk factors.

In this new way of life, the boat will undoubtedly be the best and safest way to spend our holidays, our weekends and therefore to continue to enjoy those moments of joy that, indispensable, recharge our batteries like nothing else in the world.

The boat is a “self-sustaining ecosystem”, perfect, with some precautions, to prevent the risk of contagion.

Elan E3
Elan E3: 9 meters and 6 berths

Contrary to common belief, the boat is not the prerogative of the rich, there are boats for all tastes and budgets.With a little patience, you can find a used family boat, sail- or motor-powered, for less than a runabout.

Of course, adaptability is essential but I’m sure you won’t spent your holidays in a tourist resort where an underpaid  18-year-old guy, while you’re losing your mind because sun umbrellas are so close to each other that you feel like you are on the subway, informs you that it’s time for the coffee game…Not to mention the buffet lunches and dinners that, if they already horrified me before, now represent the best way to feed an outbreak.

Quarantine is better than this.


“Buy a boat”, here’s how boating market will change

Boating will change after Coronavirus, I’m sure.

Shipyards will absolute-yachts-50-flyrestart to build 8/9-meter boats that, modern, easy-to-steer and fast, will allow everyone to enjoy sailing, on a sailing or motor-powered boat, according to their needs. Habitable RIBs have been proving this for some time; sailboats have always done that.

The number of wealthy people who will prefer boats to 5-star hotels will increase and the choice will fall on large boats with unparalled safety standards on board.

New pruchasing methods will develop and small boating will make a comeback. A bit like in America or in France, where there are already millions of owners of small and medium-sized boats.

Chartering will grow a lot. A lot of operators (many of them already use them) will be equipped of sanitizing systems.

Buy a boat Coronavirus can't swim

Ports will change and adapt to welcome a growing number of boats that, once the cruising season is over, will be winterized. The number of ports will grow, including the “seasonal” ones and multi-buoy mooring berths.

Finally, and fortunately, even the hysterical daydreamer-comet-460search for a berth in August will change. Spending a night at the anchor will become more common and finally everyone will understand that there is nothing more beautiful than a starry sky or a bath in the still water of the morning.

Above all, they will understand that stay on board and sleep in a port is a contradiction, because you can find the smell of diesel fuel and the mess even in the city, just open the windows.

So, buy a boat. We will be safe and have mich more fun.

The hashtag #stayhome is certainly the most popular today. However, as soon as the measures allow us to go out, I suggest everyone to start looking for #Buyaboat.

Undoubtedly, the smartest way to adapt to the new way of life.

The International Yachting Media Digest
TuttoBarche App


One Response

  1. I’m glad you talked about the importance of knowing the work needed if you have a boat. My father told me that he is hoping to find boat dealerships for our boat trip next month, he asked if I have any idea what is the best option to do. I wanted to thank you for your explanation, I’ll be sure to advise him that he can consult a trusted boat dealership.

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