DacronCommercial name of a polymer used in sails
DamageDamage at one among the boat systems
DartOne-design-catamaran with a lenght of 5.48x2.28 metres and a sail area of 16.07 square metres
Dead pointUnused part in a rope or a cable
Dead reckoning navigationSailing without any precise reference points. Position is determined according to course, speed and time.
DeckWalkable surface of a vessel
Deck - verb -To hoist and place masts
Deck houseSuperstructure above the deck
Delta.Term which represents ‚D‚ in the international phonetic alphabet.
DepressionArea of low atmospheric pressure
Depth contourA line whih joinsg poinst of equal depth on maps, see also ‚bathymetric‚ ip
Depth meterElectronic or manual instrument used to mesure depth
Deviation cardA record of the amount of deviation of a ship compass caused by local magnetic effects
Digital mapGeo-referencered digital cartography for digital navigation devices
DinghySmall pleasure boat or rigid tender
DisplacementWeight of the volume of the water pushed aside by a boat; it is equal to the boat weight.
DodgerRaised borders used to prevent water from entering the cockpit
Double - verb -To go over, to pass by a cape or an obstacle.
Double halyardHalyard with a tackle fixed on the sail end: The double circuit halves the necessary force for the hoisting
DownhaulRigging which pulls the boom downwards. If referred to main sail boom, it is called vang.
DraftThe vertical distance between the waterline and the deepest part of the keel
Drag - verb -An anchor which, after failing in holding the bottom, slides on it because of the boat traction, caused, in its turn, by wind, stream or waves
DraughtMaximum depth of a vessel
Draw - verb -It indicates a sailing boat driving. Sails pushing the boat.
DressDecoration made up of a series of little flags
dress - verb -To adorn a boat with little flags on the line running from the bow to the stern and on the top of the mast (s). See also Full Dress
Dressing shipTo adorn a boat with little flags along the line running from bow to stern passing trough the top of the mast(s)
Drift angleChange of the course angle caused by the stream action
DriftingWhen a boat is pushed by stream
Drip panRise around machinery to impede liquid pouring
Drop the anchor - verb -To drop the anchor on the bottom
DyneemaVery resistant synthetic fibre used to produce ropes. Its commercial name is ‚spectra‚ i