
Superyachts Russian Spanish

Superyachts.News launches its Russian and Spanish editions

The already existing Italian and English editions of Superyachts.News are now joined by two other publications, in Russian and Spanish Superyachts.News widens its borders and becomes more and more global. The online magazine dedicated to

New Virtual Boat Show

Virtual Boat Show : faster and more interactive

The new Virtual Boat Show by The International Yachting Media is based on a completely new, faster and Mobile-oriented technology At a time when boat shows are on standby, there’s only one yachting shows that

Merry Christmas

Best Christmas wishes from all our staff

Best Christmas wishes from The International Yachting Media  This year, you know, has brought us a Christmas like no other. Covid has affected everyone and, in the midst of thousands of difficulties, all sectors have

The International Yachting Media Virtual Boat Show

Virtual Boat Show: the virtual modern yachting show

Virtual Boat Show : the world’s top boat manufacturers are in The International Yachting Media’s Virtual Boat Show The brand-new Virtual Boat Show by The International Yachting Media is finally on line. The new digital

Living on a boat

Living on a boat, dream or reality?

Living on a boat is a lifestyle choice that is in the dreams of many sea lovers. This thought is very often represented by the idea of traveling around the world or, more simply, by

sailing, motorboating and sea trials

Sailing, motorboating and sea trials

Sailing, motorboating and sea trials The essence of the last issue of  The International Yachting Media Digest Boating – the passion that unites us all – implies various possible opportunities. Sailing and motorboating are nothing

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