Eliche Radice chooses Propshark: the innovative, sustainable and Made in Italy antifouling paint

In a atmosphere of synergy where forces join together, the Italian boating scene has just witnessed the newly established collaboration between Eliche Radice and Aemme Colori with Propshark.

PropsharkFounded in 1919, Eliche Radice is now a market leader in the production of propellers and components for propulsion systems. The Radice family has built the company’s success on experience, craftsmanship and adaptive spirit.

Eliche Radice‘s business philosophy is based on customer care, passion for the work, and an eye always fixed on the future, highlighting how the mastery of the values of the past is the key to meeting the challenges of the future. It is with this in mind that the new collaboration with Skippers by Aemme Colori fits in. The latter is a company that is celebrating its 76th anniversary in the industry this year, once again underlining the importance of MADE IN ITALY realities with Eliche Radice.

ProPShark-antifoulingThe main protagonist of this partnership is the biocide-free antifouling coating with excellent expansion, scratch resistant, hard and elastic. It features high slipperiness and anti-stickiness, which facilitates surface cleaning, used as a finishing coat in the boating industry, reduces the attack of marine fouling by acting as an anti-stick to vegetation and coral, which enables effective self-cleaning on the move.

Eliche-radice“Ours is a totally innovative, poison-free, and non-silicone, almost ‘organic’ product. Our crystal-clear effect clear paint is very attractive and effective if vegetation builds up when the boat is stationary, all it takes is movement to clean it up, at most you can use a sponge – says Edoardo Mainetti, Marketing Manager of Aemme ColoriPropshark is the perfect product for Eliche Radice, and we are very happy with both this partnership and how the market has received it because the product works really well if the application guideline is followed. We would like to extend the use of this product to other areas as well, we’ll see what happens.”

Eliche-Radice-antifoulingClaudia Radice confirms the enthusiasm: “It all started a bit by chance, however we are very pleased with the result and to have entered into this partnership with Aemme Colori. After the summer we had the first feedback of the product really tested and we were really pleased with it said Claudia, Sales Operation Manager of Eliche Radice At METS we saw that this partnership is good: customers were either attracted to Eliche Radice and then they were also interested in the product, or they were interested in Propshark and then they were interested in us…this means that the two work well together.”

This partnership between Eliche Radice and Aemme Colori has led to the diffusion of a unique product, confirming the importance of innovation and collaboration in the Italian boating sector, thanks to two young protagonists who aim for growth and a more sustainable approach to our seas.


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