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Actualmente hay 86 names en este directorio que comienzan con la letra B.
Back an anchor - verb -
To reinforce the mooring by putting two anchors in sequence
Back sail
Sail which pushes in an opposite direction to motion, used to brake or keep the boat stationary
Back water
Marine waves in a harbour
backed anchor
An anchor removed from its seat and ready to be dropped in the water
Standing rigging whichs support the astern mast
To clear water out of a boat
Bail - verb -
To empty the water entered aboard through a bailer
A bucket or dipper used for removing bilgewater from a boat.
Heavy weight which adjusts the draft of a ship and improve stability
Bandiera a riva
Flag on the upper part of masts
Element of the winch with a particular shape which allows to recover chains
Marine conic crostaceans which adhere to hulls, very difficult to remove.
Diagram of the atmosperic pressure trend written by the pen of a barograph on a paper wrapped by a cylinder
Instrument used to measure atmosperic pressure. Similar to barometer but providing an immediate measurement
Centre of gravity
The lowest side of a sail, between clat and clew point
A pool on sea level, where bottom can be repaired
Basin, dock
Equipped and sheltered area where ships can stopa
On naval maps, it is the line which joins points of equal depth
A funnel with transparent bottom used to observe sea bottom
Rigid profile inserted into sail leech to contribute to their shape
Batten pocket
Batten compartment
Small buoy
Structural elements which support the deck. The width of a ship at her widest part
Bear away - sailing verb -
It indicates a bow moving away from the wind direction
Bear away - verb -
To move away from a mooring, a quay or another boat
Angular distance between magnetic North and the observed object
Bearing away
To increase the angle in relation to the direction where apparent wind comes from
Bearing compass
Compass equipped with azimut devices
Beaufort Francis
English admiral who lived in the 19th century. He invented the homonymous scale used to measure wind
Beaufort Scale
A classification of wind force into 12 categories commonly used by seamen iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315">/iframe>
Calm wind
Belay pin
Instrument used for splicing, made up of a wedge point which help strands to open
Belaying-pin rack
Wooden or steel ring on the basis of the mast, where belay pins are fixed in order to block running riggings.
In the past, it was used to mark time; today, it is used to indicate a danger singnal or position in case of low visibility.
Sail convexity
Bermudian sail
Name given to the rigs of a Bermudian sail
A bed in a boat
The lowest part of a hull
Bilge keels
Extensible mobile wings mounted on the sides of the bottom to reduce roll
Bilge pump
A hydraulic pump to bail out the water entered in the hull.
Point of an anchor arm
Structure which supports the magnetic compass. It usually contains compensation magnets
Hole in the floors or in bilge to empty water from bilge
To fix a rope to a bitt
Keel supports in a dry dock
Block coefficient
Ratio between bottom lines and a cylinder, whose diameter is equal to bottom's depth. Value 1 indicates an almost cylindrical bottom; low values indicate a thin bottom. Catamarans have the highest block coefficient
Fore sail to be hoisted leeward the spinnaker with light winds
To approach to another boat
Board - verb -
To assault a ship after boarding it.
To direct the boat to approach another one
Term used for all crafts with a lenght between 10 and 24 metres, including sailing and motor boats.
Boat builder
A person specialised in wooden boat construction
Boat gripe
Cable or rope, usually provided with turnbuckle to fix objects
Boat hook
Wooden pole fitted with a hook or knob at one end, used for fending off or picking up lines at a dock or mooring/
Boat shed
Slipway where boats are placed to be repaired
The leading seaman in charge of supervising crewmembers when performing work on deck
Bolt rope
Reinforcement sewn on the sail end to increase resistence
Wooden or aluminium pole supporting the lower part of the mainsail, fixed on the mast through a junction which allows it to change direction according to wind/p
Bottom cleaning
To remove deposits from the hull
Bottom, hull
Immersed part of the hull.
The forward part of a ship
Bow anchor
An anchor placed in order to be ready to use
Bow waves, bones
Frothy waves raised by the boat
An auxiliary motor and propeller mounted athwartships at the bow, and employed to maneuver the ship sideways.
Very popular knot forming a ring
Member of the crew in charge of bow riggings
Wooden or aluminium pole supporting the lower part of the mainsail, fixed on the mast through a junction which allows it to change direction according to wind
To move the spinnaker pole from the forestay
Brace - verb -
To haul the manoeuvring rope by opening a yard or the spinnaker pole
A rope fixed to sail sides to fold them
Term which represents ‚B‚ in the international phonetic alphabet (ICAO)
Break down, trip - verb -
To set sail by detaching the anchor from the bottom
Raised borders used to prevent water from entering the cockpit
Mooring cable located on the bow or the stern extended along the hull to fix to a quay
Coastal wind caused by a difference in temperature between land and sea.
Bridge deck
Place which a ship is steered from
Bridle, flap
End of anchor arms
Container suitable for liquids
Swelling of the fore part of a ship to increase speed; terminal part of a centre board in a sailing boat, generally made of plumb or cast iron, used to increase stability
Lever with eccentric hook to close portholes,skylights or hatches
Vertical structure which separates two zones in the cabin. Sometimes, it can be watertight in order to increase safety in case of collision
Small pole used to let sheet hang out outboard by increasings their efficiency and preventing them from scarping on shrouds
Additional bumps used to change the sizes of the construction parameters of a hull
Floating element anchored on the sea bottom for mooring or signals
Buoy rope
Rope fixed to the anchor ring

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