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Actualmente hay 10 names en este directorio que comienzan con la letra E.
To slacken a rope, opposite of hauling aft
Wind blowing from East
Term which represents ‚E‚ in the international phonetic alphabet.
Eddy water
Zone of relatively calm sea, upwind to a vessel which is drifting leeward
Electric generator
Equipment which provides electricity aboard when there are no ground connections
A catalogue of tables showing the location of various celestial bodies
A great circle of the earth which is equidistant from both poles at every point; zero degrees latitude
Equipment, rig
Everything necessary to sail, its category determines the kind of boat. In case of small rowboats it indicates the crew
To set a sail in order to offer a larger surface to wind; a necessary action to remove the spinnaker from the mainsail covering when running before wind
Eye bolt, clevis
Metal ring in the hull to hook tackles or pulleys

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