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Actualmente hay 42 names en este directorio que comienzan con la letra L.
Land - verb -
To approach to shore or a beach, different from yawing or mooring.
Land - verb -
To arrive to a coast or a harbour
Lateen sail
Triangular sail supported by an antenna fixed obliquely to the mast
Lateral sign- A region
Red or green, used by day or night to indicate both right and left sides of a channel. In region B, colours are inverted.
Lateral signals
They are divided in two regions: A and B
The angular distance between the Equator and the considered point
Launch - verb -, launch (n)
The act of putting a boat in the water through a slipway or a crane
Electonic device for depth measurement. Rope provided with plumb for a manual measurement
Accidental breakage of the hull which lets water come in
Astern side of any vertical item
Leech line
Rope inserted along all the side of a sail to change its tension
Leech, roach
Rear side of sail
Side of the boat opposite to wind direction
Leeway angle
Change of the course angle caused by the wind action
Lateral move of the boat caused by wind
Speed suitable to secure the boat in heavy weather
Lie-to - verb -
Typical in bad weather. It can be done with or without sails; generally, the boat heads to the wind. This motion creates an area of calm sea on the windward side which stabilizes the boat.
Life jacket
Jacket made of floating material, usually styrofoam or cork. Today, the market offers many inflatable or auto-inflatabe models.
Element perpendicular to the force generated on the surface of a solid as the result of its motion in a fluid
Light airs
Light wind, small waves. Degree 1 in Beaufort scale
Light vessel
Anchored vessel with light signals
Jacket made of floating material, usually styrofoam or cork. Today, the market offers many inflatable or auto-inflatabe models.
Term which represents ‚L‚ in the international phonetic alphabet.
Line furler
Tube or "H" to roll a rope on
Line-throwing gun
System used to throw a bullet, generally a rope ball which a line is clasped to
Line, hand line
A small diameter rope
Chain ring
A small compartment or chest used for storage.
Instrument to measure the speed of a boat
Angular distance between the main meridian and the considered point
Lateral part of the bow
Long Range Navigation. Navigation transmitters ashore that transmit unique signals that can be identified and located by a ship navigator to determine position.
Low sails
Squaresails hoisted on lower yards
To bring a sail down by releasing its halyards
Lower sails or courses
Low sails in ships provided with squaresails
Lower studding-sail
Sail on the sides of squaresails
Lubber's hole
Opening at the basis of tops
Lubber's line
Line in the compass indicating the bow direction
To dicrease the angle in relation to the apparent wind direction
Luff, bolt rope
The forward edge of a sail. It can include a rope to be thicker and stronger and be inserted in the mast
A boat which tends to luff
Similar to a lateen sail, but trapezoidal and with the lower end attached to a boom

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