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Actualmente hay 12 names en este directorio que comienzan con la letra V.
A transmission mounted forward of the engine which reverses the direction of the shaft so that it can exit aft
Tackle leading downward from a bridle on the boom
Sailing two-seater boat with chine hull and dagger board, designed by Jean Jacques Herbulot in 1951.
Veer/ haul aft - verb -
When wind rotates and the sailing point becomes more beared up while maintaining the same course
An air intake on deck which brings fresh air into interiors
Giovan Battista, physicist(1746-1822). He discovered that the constriction of a tube section where a fluid is flowing provokes an increase in flowing speed and a decrease in pressure. The Venturi effect is used on sailing boats by creating a hole between the mainsail and the genoa; when air flowing speed increases, the mainsail traction on the leeward zone increases.
Very High Frequency: Radio frequencies between 30 and 300 megahertz. Generally used to indicate on-board radios operating in that band.
Term which represents ‚V‚ in the international phonetic alphabet.
Violent storm
Huge waves which might hide even big ships. The sea is completely choppy. Wind nebulizes foam. Degree 11 of Beaufort Scale.
Visibility sector
Visibility arch of a lighthouse or a light
Vomit - verb -
To vomit
Von Karman's vortex
Turbulences caused by wind which provoke, in their turn, strong wind and obscillations.

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