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Actualmente hay 25 names en este directorio que comienzan con la letra W.
The living quarter and mess for crew members
Written or radio warning with useful information
Warp - verb -
To move a boat by pulling cables
General term to define any kind of boat or structure suitable to sail
Waterline, boattop
Part which divides the immersed part from that one above the boat surface
Having the strength and ability to keep out water
Wave height
Height of the wave taken between the crest and the cavity of two following waves
Reference point in the physical space used for any type of navigation.
Weer - verb -
Action of the whinch or windlass to stretch a rope or cable tight.
Central part of the bilge. On its bottom there is a hole used for emptying water.
Cardinal point, indicated by a W. It is equal to 270 degrees in wind rose.
West wid
West; wind blowing from West
Wharf, pier
Floating structure for boat mooring
Term which represents‚W‚ in the international phonetic alphabet..
White sails
To sail by using only the mainsail and genoa, without gennaker, spinnaker or drifter, usually coloured.
Williamson rigging
Rigging through which a vessel is brought back to the course just done. It is generally used to rescue a man or an object
Vertical windlass usually operated manually, used to stretch running riggings
wind pilot
A mechanic instrument used to adjust the course in case of little accidental variations, only with the help of wind.It is an authomatic pilot operated by wind. It doesn't use energy, which is a very important factor in long navigations.
Wind rose
A table which represents the wind origin and direction
System to indicate wind direction, made up of an arrow which rotates when wind changes, generally located on the mast top.
Wharp to hoist anchors
Common term referring to a sailing board; it indicates a flat hull provided with a centre board and a fore fin. It is steered by a standing surfer through the movement of his weight and of the sailing centre
Side of the boat which wind comes from
The double boom used to steer a wind surf; it is also a double rowlock used on some big ketches.
Solid wipping

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