Diccionario de términos náuticos en inglés

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Actualmente hay 8 names en este directorio que comienzan con la letra U.
Italian union gathering the most important shipbuilders and naval operators.
Unbend - verb -
To remove sails
Unbend - verb -
To divide two rope/chain ends linked by a shackle or a false link
Uncertainty triangle
Triangle formed by the intersection of three bearings. It includes the area where the vessel is
Term which represents ‚U‚ in the international phonetic alphabet.
Unloading barge
To lighten the load of a ship in order to reduce its draught; generally used to allow a ship to enter harbours where sea bottom is low
Unrig, rig down - verb -
To lower in the deck the uppest part of masts, common in ships where masts were made up of several parts
Acronym which indicates the universal reference time.

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