Tuna fishing

Tuna Drifting, Basics for beginners

Tuna Drifting: basics for beginners

Tuna Drifting: Basics for beginners The increased number of bluefin tuna fish (some areas seem to register a real return of the species), clearly supported by specific laws restricting their catching and therefore by the short

Tuna drifting- bait

Tuna Drifting Basics: fish chum

An essential aspect in Bluefin Tuna drifting, fish chum generally consists of sardines, gilt sardines and anchovies. These are thrown into the water, whole or in pieces, and this work (sometimes boring) can be carried out manually

bluefin tuna catching

How to catch bluefin tuna: lines and terminal tackle

In Italy, where tuna fish generally has a size ranging from 30 to 70 Kg (with some rare exceptions where fish is even bigger), drifting  often replaces drift-net fishing, fishing at anchor or other fishing

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