The next International Genoa Boat Show is scheduled for September 21st-26th. The announcement comes from te Italian boating entrepreneurs who, gathered in Rome at Ucina Confindutria Nautica General Shareholders’ Meeting, have confirmed the event, still considered as a strategic one to present their products to the international market and promote the image of their business.

The meeting, focused on the topic “Boating restarts. Let’s restart with Boating“, has highlighted the positive results and growing trend of Italian market in the nautical year 2015/2016. According to the survey conducted by the Research Offices of Ucina, the overall turnover increased by 13% with a stable trend at the end of 2016. In the whole, according to 73% of boating operators, growth is forecast to possibly reach 20% (43% of respondents indicate an increase up to 10%, while growth is expected to gain up and over 20% according to 22% and 5% of them respectively).

The meeting was also the occasion to focus on the measures adopted in 2016 about the reception of the European directive concerning recreational boats, the decree on simplification of dredging interventions in the marinas, the launch of 12 technical discussions for the drafting of implementation decrees on the nautical Code reform, the simplification of customs procedures, the confirmation decree of 10% VAT for moorings no longer than one year after the ruling of the Italian Constitutional Court, the confirmation of the “Blue sticker” directive aiming to avoid the duplication of checks carried out on recreational boats by the different police forces. Over the last 5 years, the activity of Ucina Confindustria Nautica has produced 30 parliamentary legislative actions, 3 regional laws, 19 newsletters sent by the Ministry of Transport and state agencies and the change of the system for assessing income.

Salone Nautico 2017 Assemblea dei Soci UCINA Roma 15 dicembre 2016
The annual Ucina General Shareholders’ Meeting took place in Rome on December 15th 2016. The topic was ” Boating restarts. Let’s restart from boating”.

Now, the aim is to complete the reform of the nautical Code and solve the conflict generated by the indiscriminate increase of the customs licensing costs which might be fatal for many Italian marinas.

The number and quality of the results so obtained as well as the projects in the pipeline for 2017 show how Ucina is loyal to its mission to represent, defend and promote the whole sector of boating both in Italy and abroad – claimed Carla Demaria, President of  Ucina Confindustria NauticaOur companies look at the future, as their choice to still invest on the International Boat Show proves, because Italian boating has recovered thanks to its entrepreneurs’ firmness and the governance of Ucina”. Finally, the shareholders’ meeting has approved the plan of international appointments at the main worldwide boat shows.

Ucina  appointments in 2017
In 2017, Ucina will join Düsseldorf Boot (21-29 January 2017),  China (Shanghai) International Boat Show (26-29 April 2017), Fort Lauderdale Boat Show  (November 2017) and METS TRADE in Amsterdam (14-16 November 2017).

This year, a Customer Insight survey conducted by  GRS Research&Strategy on the exhibitors of the Genoa Boat Show “revealed that 77% of our exhibitors was satisfied by the anticipation of the event and confirm a concrete interest to partecipate next year – said Alessandro Campagna, Sales Manager of the Genoa Boat Show. Also thanks to the anticipated date, we’re the only boat show in the Mediterranean area which allows all boats to enjoy sea trials: in 2016, we registered over 2400 tests, with an important growth if compared with last year.


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