How to

rolling hitch

A rolling hitch to handle tension

A jammed line, a mooring line that needs shortening, or an anchor line to relieve—there are countless reasons on a boat to transfer tension from one line to another. The range of improvised methods people

ubi maior Furler for headsails

Furlers for headsails? UBI MAIOR has the answer

Choosing the best furler for your boat’s headsail? In recent years, the idea that dominated since the early ’90s — a single furling genoa for all seasons — has been abandoned. Sailors are now differentiating

sailboat charter

Sailboat charter: 8 considerations before booking

Sailboat charter: the ultimate guide to considerations before booking It’s a winter evening, you’re having dinner with a couple of friends, and you nostalgically reminisce about last summer’s vacations, dreaming of the sea, sunsets on

RIB Tubes Maintenance

Guide to RIB Tubes Maintenance

Guide to RIB Tubes Maintenance : tips to avoid common mistakes If it is not an exact science, it’s very close to that. Tubes maintenance requires  scrupulous care and an almost scientific procedure that many RIB owners

boat holiday

5 things not to do during a boat holiday

For all those who cannot resist lists, here is my personal list of the five things not to do during a boat holiday so that the latter can be really nice. 1 – Don’t contradict


Antifouling for boats: everything you need to know

Antifouling is designed to protect the hulls of boats from the accumulation of algae and small marine organisms that settle on submerged parts. Beyond aesthetic reasons, antifouling is periodically applied to boats because the long-term


Boat blowers: how to choose the best model

Boat blowers, also known as fans or ventilators, are an essential component for any boat. These devices are particularly important for the engine room, as they not only provide the necessary air for combustion in

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