How to

Fires on board, how to avoid them. The expert talks

Fire prevention on board, from Aer.Pro‘s great experience an invaluable how-to article We have said it many times, a fire that takes possession of a boat is the real nightmare of all sailors and, unfortunately,

kicking strap

Kicking strap (vang): how to use it the best

The kicking strap, whose use is often underestimated, has a decisive effect on mainsail trimming If many, indeed too many, sailors underestimate it, it is probably because they do not know its true effects. The


Zero-stress mooring, tips for successful manoeuvring

Mooring plagues captains and skippers of all kinds. Let’s see how to perform the right manoeuvres, anticipate the unexpected and, above all, stay calm. Mooring manoeuvres are a crucial moment in which the crew’s ‘toughness’


AERPRO. Fire on board, prevention and extinction

In collaboration with AERPRO, we have compiled a small compendium for our readers on what fires on board are, what they mean for the owner and all the various aspects that characterize them, also depending

berthing in strong wind

How to berth in strong wind

Here are the general rules to berth safely in strong wind Harbour manoeuvres are a common nightmare among boaters. The anxiety that often characterizes the minutes before the berthing manoeuvre passes with a little experience.

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