How to

Boating etiquette dogs

Boating etiquette: how to live peacefully on a boat

Boat holidays are still far away but a reminder of boating etiquette, along with precious advice to live with other passengers for two-three weeks within tight spaces, are generally useful. In other words, good manners

winter boating

Winter Boating: best boat clothing for warmth

The cold takes off: here is the best clothing for winter boating Many recreational boaters and all terrestrials are convinced that “winter at sea” is synonymous with “bad weather” but this is not true at

Pre-Departure Boat Hydraulic Equipment Checks

Boat Hydraulic Equipment Checks: how to avoid pre-departure unexpected events Early summer is the time when boats can finally go back to the sea or the lakes and sail again. The long lockdown period that

Living on a boat

Living on a boat, dream or reality?

Living on a boat is a lifestyle choice that is in the dreams of many sea lovers. This thought is very often represented by the idea of traveling around the world or, more simply, by

boating rules

The most commonly broken boating rules

The boating rules that boaters commonly break: let’s see what they are Summer is coming and a revision of the nautical code is a highly recommended practice for all boaters. Especially if you consider that,

Boating superstitions. What you shouldn’t do on board

Boating superstitions: when superstition takes off   When the two guests that I was waiting for looked out on jetty P4 of the Marina di Procida, a mixture of curiosity, astonishment and panic spread among skippers, mooring

charter boat

How to buy a used charter boat

” Has this boat been on charter?”. If the answer is yes, the potential buyer will turn his nose, mouth and eyes up, showing all his disgust in continuing a negotiation focusing on a boat

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