How to

line twisted around the propeller

When a line gets twisted around the propeller

Line in the propeller If you have chosen August for your boat holidays, get ready to accept all the problems congestion at ports and berths involves. One among the main dangers you might run into

anchor on board

And you, how are you fixed for anchors?

The well-thought-out choice of the right anchor Grumbling had been already rife among the crew members for some days but, that time, it looked like the beginning of a real mutiny. I did not want

boat preparation for cruising

How to prepare your boat for cruising

Summer is coming, temperature gets warmer, our desire to set sail grows. It has happened to all of us, maybe at the beginning of our globetrotter career, to ask ourselves some questions or seek advice


The pros of the ketch rig

Gennaro Coretti and the ketch rig John Goode is a sailing instructor who lives and works in Southampton. He is a member of the Royal Institute of Navigation and a RYA examiner. This sacred monster of

Felucca ride on the Nile

The tale of a felucca trip

When Alì gestured to me that, if I wanted, I could take the helm, I was primarily concerned to grab it where I thought he hadn’t touched it with his feet. So, I got up

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