That related to watermakers HB Bibi has always been a subject of debate within boat owners’s community. There are many models available and the choice can depend on many factors, such as dimensions, the l/h flow rate of the water and the reliability of the machine.

However, because of the need for maintenance of filters and all the other parts subject to wear, the real problem to solve is assistance, the possibility to find spare parts and to benefit from simple maintenance wherever we are.

Perhaps that is the very reason why HP Watermakers has launched HP Bibi, a remote watermaker control system that can pull your chestnuts out of the fire in the event of problems.

The new product seems to be very interesting, so,  after having discovered it at Boot Dusseldorf, we have decided to learn more about it.

With this new system, the word “control” takes a more comprehensive meaning. HP Bibi extracts and records the diagnostic data of the watermaker, such as shutdowns, ignitions, work time, pressure and various alarms on a special application that we can also use to control the machine remotely.

The real benefit of the system lies in the fact that it guarantees an easy integration not only between machines and users but also between machines and their producer.

HB Bibi, networkBibi, indeed, uses a network connection to transmit watermaker’s data to HP Waterwaters that, this way, can constantly monitor the machine.

The producer’s control is purely active because, with all diagnostic data available, it can inform the user about any possible problems or imminent maintenance to carry out, providing him with a step-to-step guide.

But there’s more. Thanks to geolocalisation, the control system knows our position and, where necessary, it will indicate the closest authorized assistance center (the network is global) as well as the system’s diagnostics.

This way, our problem will be clear not only to us but also to our helper. We will be informed about what we need and where to find assistance.

Questions will therefore transform into answers, which is not always obvious when dealing with electronic devices, especially at sea.

HP Bibi remote control system is available for the whole line of HP Watermakers’s desalinators, with the exception of HP UC, HO SCE and HP KIT ECO models.

Trusting in the reliability of the system, HP Watermakers extends the warranty of its products by one year for all those who decide to install a HP Bibi system.


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