Boatandboats Fishing is born. The boat fishing magazine

Great news for The International Yachting Media which, although having just launched the French edition of the world's most popular…

7 years ago

Oil tanker collides with cargo ship off the coast of Shangai; 32 crew members missing

32 people - 30 Iranians and 2 Bangladeshis - are still missing after the Iranian tanker "Sanchi" collided with a Chinese…

7 years ago

Good luck New Year’s Eve Toast? On a boat, of course!

At 4:00 pm, it's already dark; yet, it's 8 hours before the stroke of midnight and therefore the end of…

7 years ago

The International Yachting Media: TouslesBateaux, the French edition of the world’s most popular yachting magazine, is online!

The International Yachting Media - the Italian startup developed by Net2Web, the italian incubator of digital projects - continues to grow…

7 years ago

Merry Christmas to all readers of The International Yachting Media

For all the beautiful moments when you have given us your attention, for all the times you have thought about…

7 years ago

Mondomarine, prosecutors investigate on missing money.

The crisis of Mondomarine, one among the historic and most important groups of the shipbuilding industry, has seen another development…

7 years ago

Luca Brancaleon. Consistency and determination at the head of Bénéteau

"If it is that virtue is concerned with passions and actions, in which excess is a form of failure while…

7 years ago

Antifouling paints: everything changes from 31st December. The “what” and “why” of the new regulations

The deadline is just around the corner. Next 31st December is the deadline for antifouling paints manufacturers to send out…

7 years ago

Zar Formenti: the power of images at the Nautic Boat Show

As every year, Zar Formenti joins the Paris Boat Show with a large number of boats which don't fail to…

7 years ago

On Test. Capelli Tempest 900 WA

A 9-meter inflatable boat can be considered as the largest of the small models or, if you prefer, the smallest among the…

7 years ago