Inoxstyle at DIBS: luxury Made in Italy accessories

It is difficult to think of a stylish shower without instantly being reminded of one of the products that Inoxstyle, ambassador of the best Made in Italy in the world, produces with a level of craftsmanship that is more akin to an art form than a luxury item.

It is indeed no coincidence that its products literally won over the public at the recent Dubai International Boat Show, admired by a crowd of onlookers not only at the company’s booth, but also on board the many superyachts on display.

inoxstyle-tapThe Dubai Boat Show is one of the most prestigious international boat shows in the industry, and the company has recently inaugurated a sales office here to be closer and more present in the area, both for dealers and customers.

We spoke about this with engineer Leonardo Pampaloni, Managing Director at Inoxstyle:

We divide our market into two large areas: yachting and swimming pools, with 65-70% of our activity being dedicated to the first and 30-35% to the second. This is the first time we have joined the Dubai Boat Show, which confirms to be a wonderful opportunity to expand our network of contacts and get ourselves noticed as much as possible, by dealers who already know us but also by those who are approaching a Made in Italy product for the first time.”

Some of the Doride showeritems showcased in Dubai are the flagship products of Inoxstyle, such as the Doride shower, new to the Arab Emirates but presented at METS Amsterdam last autumn:

“It is a full 316L stainless steel shower that is designed specifically for large boats and swimming pools,” reports engineer Leonardo Pampaloni. “Together with older but popular models such as Dream Carbon and Dream Yacht, Doride has become one of the most sought-after style accessories available in two special paint finishes: Mirror-Like Steel, the classic and most popular mirror finish, or Velvet Steel, a special new finish obtained by shot peening with glass microspheres that give it that special ‘velvety’ surface.”

Inoxstyle-cockpitAnother innovative solution from Inoxstyle, much appreciated on board yachts, is the support cockpit that supports the shower and makes it possible to hide the water connections under the boat deck, avoiding unsightly pipes being visible.

“Our cockpit, compared to other solutions with quick couplings, which wear out after some use, is maintenance-free and easy to assemble; the shower rotates 360 degrees and has no moving parts. Not only beauty, not only design, but also engineering,” says engineer Leonardo Pampaloni.

Elegance, simplicity, quality and sophistication are the four pillars on which the activity of Inoxstyle and its products are based. They tend to satisfy a market segment that seeks the right compromise between perfection and craftsmanship.

The secrets of a great reputation and customer loyalty are surely to be found in offering cutting-edge, high quality and handcrafted solutions. This is why major yacht and superyacht manufacturers increasingly rely on INOX STYLE.


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