Italian boat attacked in Croatia. The incredible video posted by its owner

Italian boat attacked in Croatia. The video.

It’s not a recent piece of news but we want to tell you about it so that attitudes and events like these don’t happen again.

It’s late July when Enrico and his family – his wife and daughter – land with their sailboat near Silba Island and, a few miles away from the local multi-buoy mooring terminal, drop the anchor determined to spend a night at anchor.

boat attackMeanwhile, Marko M,  the 39-year-old local manager of the multi-buoy mooring berth, after collecting his money at the anchorage, decides to charge all the boats anchored in the bay for mooring, even though they are in an area where paying a fee isn’t required.

The numerous yachtsmen coming from all around the world are consequently forced to pay a fee equal to 50% of what is usually charged for a mooring within the bay. Enrico, too, is required to pay this fee but he gently refuses to pay since he is certain the area is free to anchor in.

That’s when the unthinkable happens. The 39-year-old local goes crazy and threatens to kill Enrico. Then, he takes a mooring rope, he wraps it around the anchor chain and tries to trip the boat by towing it with his tender.

Enrico’s wife invites him to go away and threatens to call the police while the girl is crying on board.

Enrico’s boat dangerously gets close to another boat docked near there but, fortunately, a few minutes later the islander gives up and goes away.

Italian boat attacked in CroatiaThe Italian yachtsmen show the video to the local police that, consequently, has opened an investigation against the crazy Croatian.

According to local media reports, all local residents have expressed their support to the Italian yachtsmen and talked about an outrageous episode that seriously damages the image of the popular tourist destination.

In an interview, Enrico and his family have claimed that they won’t give up sailing in those zones since they all love Croatia and they are going to come back there next year, too.

On our side, we can only condemn such behaviours and we invite everyone to report episodes like this. We will not fail give voice to these deplorable facts so that unfortunate incidents like this don’t happen again.


4 Responses

  1. hurrible this story, hurrible man. but in my opinion , the main fault it is not this hurrible man, the main fault is the government, who allowed the rights to use the coast for mooringbusiness.

    1. It is all about local gov. coruption and greed. prices in croatia are insane. for me is harder each year to complete crew of friends to join for sailing trip in croatia. we decided to go to greece next time.

  2. Wir überlegen auch nach Griechenland zu gehen, um dieser Abzocke in Kroatien aus dem weg zu gehen.

  3. Die Rache folgt auf dem Fuß: 30% Rückgang im Tourismus. Da ich gerade in Kroatien bin, man sieht das bereits. Am 15.8. in der Hochsaison.
    Und das ist ka nicht der einzige Vorfall. Auf Kakan gab es letztes Jahr aus genau demselben Grund durchgeschnittene Landleinen und heur eine Altölattacke auf eine Eigneryacht

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