Italwinch at METS: from winches to custom thrusters

Once again this year, Italwinch joined the METSTRADE Amsterdam, the largest marine equipment trade show

METS is an unmissable appointment for Italwinch, which for many years now has been present at the most important marine accessories trade show, where the year’s novelties are presented.

Part of MZ Elettronic, the Italwinch brand was first established through a collaboration with the company Orvea, which specialized in thrusters and anchor winches, then with the total takeover of the company more than ten years ago.

italwinchThe parent company, MZ Elettronic, had always dealt with electronic equipment, but the merger with Orvea opened up the boundaries: the Italwinch by Orvea range now has more than 30 families of mooring-related mechanical products, a complete range of electronic accessories and the possibility of producing on-demand solutions in both the electronic and mechanical fields.

This, linked to the deep experience of the two companies, has allowed Italwinch to grow, year after year, to the point where the production of winches has met the profitable demands of the market by creating a range from 5-6 metres up to 80-85 metres.

Italy is certainly the country where Italwinch receives the most profit, as there are also many active partnerships with large Italian shipyards, but requests come from all over the world.

We have been attending METS for almost as long as we can remember, it is absolutely not to be missed, from the point of view of accessories it is the best trade show ever,” reports Vittorio Roncato, sales manager at MZ Elettronic.

We have reaped a lot of satisfaction over the years at METS because we have met our distributors from all over the world.”.

The company’s best-selling products are winches, control panels, battery chargers and the WWHC040 radio meter counter, an accessory that acts as both meter counter and thruster, completely wireless with mat charging.

It is precisely the boat winchwinch range that is undergoing a renewal: Italwinch is remaking the small winches from 50 to 1500W, which will be joined by new products that are still being tested.

Another highlight is Orchid, the vertical stainless steel winch recommended for boats up to 22 metres, in which it is possible to alternate the line and chain, already equipped with a meter counter.

Two years ago MZ Elettronic also bought the company Progetto Elica, a company specializing in the calculation, design and production of custom-made marine thrusters, both submerged and surface, shaft lines and rudders, for boats up to 150 feet.

We are trying to enter the yards where we are already present with winches as well and we will certainly take a lot of satisfaction, I am sure,” says Vittorio Roncato, who is also satisfied with the results obtained during the event.

METS was a very positive opportunity to meet our distributors from all over the world and after Covid this gave us great pleasure.”


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