Interesting news for anyone looking for an aluminium rib: from January 2017, LTN Ribs will offer a 10-year-warranty on its aluminium structures and a 2-year-one on all the other components.

This choice comes from our desire to emphasize and promote the concept of robustness through a clear effective message – says Ezio Agazzi, LTN RibsA very important feature of these boats, which risks not to be properly considered, is the high structural strength ensured by both the construction material and the well-conceived planning and realization of these ribs”.ltn ribs venom 3 garanzia gommone

We already told you about these innovative ribs. LTN aluminum series includes ribs entirely made of marine aluminium 5083 (except from tubulars), 30% lighter than traditional composite models, more robust, stronger and available at more affordable prices since construction requires no moulds. Moreover, they offer a plurality of customization possibilities and the opportunity to create furniture and sofas occupying a smaller room for the benefit of the walking surface.

Aluminium Series encloses two models we already tested.

With a length of 10.36 m and a width of 3.54 m. LTN 34 Diamond is the flagship of the range. We tested it during our three-day-sea trial from Marsala to Genoa on the occasion of the International Genoa Boat Show 2016. She has a unique bow design, muscly lines and a free functional deck. Pushed by two Suzuki 300 HP outboards, she can reach a maximum speed of 45.5 knots in total safety and with no vibrations.

Pushed by a Suzuki DF 250 HP engine, LTN 26 Venom astonished us for the soft way she goes from displacement to surfing and her stability, even at high speed. Able to reach up to 41 knots at 5800 engine revolutions, this rib sails well at over 36 knots, using a litre of fuel to cross half a mile. At 32 knots, it uses 52 litres a hour while sailing in total comfort.

The yard also produces a range of smaller fiberglass ribs, from 18 to 21 feet.



ltn ribs 34 diamond gommone alluminio garanzia


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