Luca D’Ambrosio on TG2 Italia: boat holidays are cheap and safe

Luca D’Ambrosio on Tg2 Italia: “It’s not true that boats are only for the wealthy”

Boat holidays, safe and cheap holidays. That’s the topic dealt Luca D'Ambrosio TG2 Italiaby our Editor in Chief Luca D’Ambrosio, interviewed by Tg2 Italia during the episode of May 8th in which there was talk of tourism not only from a work-related point of view but also in terms of tourist behaviour in this time of restrictions.

Luca D’Ambroio strongly emphasized the need to dispel, once and for all, the myth that having a boat or taking a boat holiday is something exclusively reserved for the wealthiest people. There are boats for all budgets, from the cheapest to the most luxurious ones. Buying a used 8-9 meter boat, which is the best option for a 4-people holiday, is equivalent to purchasing a medium-sized car – D’Ambrosio explained – If, in addition to summer holidays, we plan to use the boat also for our weekends on board, at the end of the year, we will realize that we have spent less than we would have paid for a conventional holiday”.

If they don’t choose a very large or luxurious boat, families can spend from 2 to 5 thousand euros for a couple of weeks on board their own boat or a charter one.

boat campingMr. D’Ambrosio, at the helm of The International Yachting Media for 7 years, has remembered that there is also another very cheap solution to spend holidays at sea: boat camping which, with a certain certain dose of spirit of adaptation, can make families enjoy the most beautiful places of the world at very low costs.

Another concept stressed by Luca D’Ambrosio is that the boat is the safest place to spend time. If the the sea water – and virologists all agree on this – is able to cancel the spread of the virus, then it is easy to understand how a boat holiday is absolutely safe.

During the episode, the talk also focused on the possible risk of crowding in the ports. The matter, according to our Editori in Chief, is already solved: “This phenomenon does not exist in Italy since the country has 7,500 kilometers of coastlines and almost a thousand port facilities. As a result, it will have no particular problems in distributing tourists and therefore to manage any gatherings of people “.

Furthermore, boat holidaysas for the costs, most Italian marinas offer very competitive fees: for a 8/10-meter boat, for example, they range from 30 to 50 euros per day. Without forgetting that the marinas are already preparing to comply with the rules of social distancing and sanitation of common areas.

In short, boat holidays are not only the cheapest but also the safest holiday option today. And, with this, any taboo is dispelled.

Tg2 Italia is television column conducted by Chiara Lico, editor in chief Mario Scelba.

Link to the complete tv episode

Luca D’Ambrosio: publishing and boating

Luca D'Ambrosio TG2 Italia May8Luca D’Ambrosio is the founder and Editor in Chief of The International Yachting Media, the authoritative information media dedicated to recreational boating.

The International Yachting Media is an editorial project born from the great passion for boating and the sea that Luca inherited from his father since he was child. A love that has grown and developed over the years in sailing, where his constant commitment has been crowned by several victories in long-range regattas, his great passion.

Published in English (YachtingMedia), Spanish (TodosLosBarcos), Italian (Tuttobarche) and French (TousLesBateaux), The International Yachting Media is the most widely read group of boating magazines in the world, updated every day with news, insights, interviews, articles from international boat shows and, above all, sea trials. The Tuttobarche App and the multimedia magazine, both innovative and available for free, have definitively consolidated the success of this unique digital media.

Among the most visited pages of the websites stands out the On line Pilot book, the largest and most visited of Europe, the only one to have ports and anchorages on the same cartography.

Mr. D’Ambrosio was also the founder of Luca D'Ambrosio awardNet2Web, an incubator of innovative companies for the start-up and support of digital start-ups. In 2011, during his work experience at Visiant, he reached the important milestone represented by the Confindustria Technological Innovation Award given to him by the then President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

In 5 years of management as CEO of Visiant, Luca D’Ambrosio quadrupled the turnover of the company, making it frow from 22 to 88 million euros. In the previous 20 years, Mr. D’Ambrosio had always dealt with communication and publishing, working as COO for some prestigious Italian and international editorial groups.


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