Mediterranean “en rose”, an all-female charity crossing

Nuova Jolly Marine announces “Mediterranean “en rose”“, an all-female Mediterranean crossing that will set sail from the Ionian coast of Calabria to the Genoa Boat Show. This is an initiative created by women and for women, which also aims to raise funds for charity. The main crew of “Mediterranean “en rose”” will be made up of three women, Carla Gnemmi, Daniela Covati, and Sara Aiello, who will be joined in the various stages by a number of guests and who will navigate a board a Prince 22 along the Tyrrhenian coast, stopping off at Nuova Jolly dealers and then closing the raid in Genoa.

The maritime crossings, which Nuova Jolly Marine organizes with great frequency, are intended to put both the boat used and the people who are passionate about navigation to the test: in fact, they are long-duration undertakings that require great effort and commitment. In this case, it will be the first crossing in which crews composed entirely of women with a great passion for the sea and ready to challenge the waves, as well as themselves, will be involved.

mediterranean en rosa Nuova Jolly Marine“We organize raids and crossings every year, and we always like to think of original or extreme events, such as Sergio Davì’s recent Palermo-Los Angeles solo crossing,” explains Antonio Aiello, owner of Nuova Jolly Marine. “It was precisely on the occasion of this latest venture, which was recounted by Davì through constant updates on his website and social channels, that I realized that many women were interested in the adventure and were actively following it: this is why I thought of making them protagonists and enhancing their role in the boating sector, setting up an all-female team for ‘Mediterranean “en rose”‘. In addition to this, adds Mr Aiello, “we will also take the opportunity to raise funds to donate to charity for the Lorenzo Perrone association, which with its ‘Pink Heart’ project provides simple and free medical transport for women who have to undergo oncological examinations and treatment”.

The crossing will start on 6 September from Amantea. The location is intended as a tribute to the region of origin of Nuova Jolly’s founding family, while the day represents an anniversary as it would have been the birthday of Giovanni Bracco, a lone sailor and great friend of Nuova Jolly, who took part in many crossings organised by the company and who passed away suddenly last December. “Our departure will be dedicated to Bracco,” explains Mr. Aiello.

These nuova jolly marineare the next stages of the route (dates are not indicated as they will depend on weather and sea conditions):

Amantea – Marina di Camerota (dealer NJ Nautica Diving Service)

Marina di Camerota – Bay of Naples (dealer NJ Nautica Cesare)

Bay of Naples – Latina Foce Sisto (dealer NJ Cicar Nautica)

Latina Foce Sisto – Giglio Porto

Giglio Porto – Piombino (dealer NJ Acquasport Nautica)

Piombino – Bocca di magra

Bocca di magra – Varazze (dealer NJ Marine Wizard)

Varazze – Genoa

The arrival of “Mediterranean “en rose”” is scheduled for the first day of the Genoa International Boat Show, where the crew will make their entrance. Awaiting them, as well as the entire Nuova Jolly staff, will be Sergio Davì for a small prize-giving ceremony. The Prince 22 will then remain on display for the entire duration of the boat show on the Suzuki booth and ready for outings with Captain Davì.


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