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The Community College of Delgado, New Orleans, is a national and international reference point in high-level maritime and emergency training for both public operators – Fire fighters, Civil protection, Red cross, Coastguard –  and oil-plant or mining industry workers. The center trains thousands of experts every year (about 8,500) and it uses the most advanced technological systems in order to provide them with the most practical training.

These days, the center has opened its doors to show the latest news of the Maritime and Industrial Training Center: the new generation of virtual maritime simulators.

See the video below to understand their level of innovation: the entire room has been conceived and designed to move like a ship deck, while the sceneries can recreate different kinds of boat and different places (open ocean, harbours, inner waters). Simulators will accustom the students to the different complex on-board equipments and the different work conditions, including the possible seasickness (the video itself provokes it…)

The center of Delgado is beng working since 1978 and it is a reference point in USA and all around  the world for the quality and variety of its courses: over 90, from maritime disciplines to  rescue, first intervention, industrial safety and emergency courses. The most of them are certified by the most important public and industrial associations. Thanks to its latest innovations, developed in a publicly-founded project of about 7 million dollars, the center will be at the cutting edge even in equipments: in addition to the innovative simulators, the center will have 2,000 metres of classrooms and a salt-water swimming pool of 140 square metres.


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