Ice 52 No Regret wins the 151 miglia regatta in IRC class

Exciting regatta for NO REGRET, Felice Egidi’s ICE 52 that has just won the famous 151 Miglia regatta in IRC class. As many as 220 boats were at the start to participate, in light wind conditions, in what has clearly become one of the most prestigious regattas in the Mediterranean where, in addition to performance, the tactics and resilience of the crews certainly played a key role.

“Passion is the engine of my life, present in everything I do” –said Felice Egidi, the satisfied owner of the ICE 52 that took the top step of the IRC rankings – Passion means flying on the water together with your crew, looking all together, in the same direction, with respect for people and the environment. Fear is temporary, regret is forever. No Regret!”.


Testifying to the commitment of the shipyard and coordinating this great crew was the ever brilliant Stefano Fava who, a friend of mine and a frequent opponent in many of my offshore regattas, also covers the role of the shipyard’s Sports Director.

Extraordinary and brilliantly organized, the event is confirmed as the most beautiful regatta in the Mediterranean. We started off determined with the goal of doing our best. We immediately realized we were fast, in fact we rounded the first buoys of the course always ahead of the whole IRC fleet – said Stefano, justifiably enthusiastic about the boat performance – We were first also in Giraglia and at the Fetovaia gate. In the many situations with very little wind the crew proved to be extraordinary, they never gave up and in the end the great result came. The boat is great, fast in all conditions.”

After only 31 hours and 52 minutes from the start, with a substantial lead over the other boats in her grouping, at 22:47 NO REGRET crossed the finish line, taking the top of the IRC ranking of the 2023 edition of the 151 Miglia.


ICE 52 is a fast cruising sailboat that still unequivocally proves to be very competitive, even in the light wind conditions that characterized this regatta, conditions that theoretically should have benefited the many participants.

“I am very pleased and proud of the great performance of Felice Egidi, his crew and, of course, our ICE 52, a fast and concrete sailboat that has always given us a lot of satisfaction – says ICE YACHTS CEO Marco MalgaraThe values of our shipyard are perfectly represented by owners like Felice, a man who always puts his heart and soul into everything he does.”



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