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As seen some weeks ago, OceaNemo, the new concept by MC Yacht International, is one of the most interesting and innovative projects in yachting.

After the creation of the first Sport Utility Yacht in the world by Aldo Manna, OceaNemo has announced new interesting agreements with somes companies, specialised in the production of luxury “water toys”: submarines, seaplanes, hoovercraft boats, water cars, floating slides and quays. So, anything can create amusement in and around OceaNemo.

Not only haven or harbour: the yacht becomes a tool to discover sea.

MC Yachts Oceanemo toys_FunAir

The project, born from the collaboration between Aldo Manna -CEO of Mc Yacht – and the designer Fulvio De Simoni, after convincing the French shipbuilder Ocea, which will build all the new models of the range, has seen several partners, such as Funair (Texas, picture above) and NautiBuoy (England), both producers of inflatable water gadgets: slides, springboards, toys in the first case, handmade multifunction platforms in the second one.

MC YAchts OceaNemo toys_Quadrofoil  (5)

Another partner is Quadrofoil, a Slovenian company which proposes its innovative electric eco-friendly watercraft, while all shipowers who will not want to limit themselves to sea surface can enjoy the submarine by Seamagine, a Californian company specialised in the planning of private submarines. These means can reach a depth of 150-1500 metres; they are stable on surface and excellent under water.

MC YAchts OceaNemo toys_Seamagine (2)With Hovercraft Company, on the contrary, exploration continues even out of sea: Marlin II and Marlin III have two and three seats respectively and they can be used in water and on land.

MC YAchts OceaNemo toys_The British Hovercraft

On OceaNemo 44 all these gadgets can be put in its huge garage, while its raised-deck can host a motor Sportfisherman from 19′ to 30′ and a sailing day cruiser from 30′ to 33′, respectively produced by Al Custom and Brenta.

Thanks to SeaMax Easy, OceaNemo 44 will be provided with an innovative light aircraft, whose wings can be folded in only 10 minutes.


Finally, the Californian WaterCar, maybe one of the funniest amphibious means in the market. It goes from sea to land with no problem and with high speeds: over 38 knots in water and almost 90 km/h on road.

MC YAchts OceaNemo toys_WaterCar (8)


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