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As usual for Bénéteau, the Exhibition of Paris is a good occasion to reveal its doozy, the hottest item of next season. In this case, we are talking about the new Oceanis 41.1.

Plunged in the background of the stand, we can hardly perceive differences between this model and its predecessor, a 41-foot boat which, together with Oceanis 45 and 48, launched a new innovative range some years ago.

After all, this so well-designed appearance is still a part of this new 41.1: for example, the corner which adds more volume, especially in the astern zone, while creating a second hull at swerved boat. Designed by Finot/Conq Studio, the boat has full immersed volumes and, with the corner about one metre far from the waterline, it offers a good resistance to listing.

Moreover, the rollbar is another typical feature of this boat. Compared with the 40-food model, it has only a less invasive structure but the same supporting functions for the sheet point and a big hood.

But there are also a lot of new and important elements, especially in terms of style and technology.


For example, the deck house links to the deck in a more harmonious way. And we can say the same as regards the junction between the hull and the deck, where the wooden gunwale has been replaced by a flange in the point where the two elements meet.

Another innovation concerns the fore mirror. On 41.1 it is completely closed and equipped with an electric opening system; moreover, the fixed helmsman’s seats have been replaced by elevating surfaces. This way, the cockpit design is lighter and the space between bow and poop is wider.

On a technical level, the draught increases from 2,05 to 2,18 metres. Bénéteau had already moved the mast back of almost 5% in order to balance the boat. With this new model, we have not only a dipper draught, but also a greater straightening moment, littler leeway and maybe more efficient close-hauled.

For the rest, the cockpit impresses for its comfort, gangways are large and manoeuvres are so easy that they require only one person, while the rest of the crew can sunbathe.

Finally, in the deck, we have particularly appreciated the accessible position of the lifeboat, under the floor between the two rudder wheels.


Below deck, we have not noticed any new elements. Style and arrangement are the same than in the previous model. A good and functional ward-room, with a kitchen on the left and  chart work  on the starboard side, two astern cabins and a standard big fore shipowner’s cabin, bigger than that one in the 45-foot model. But Bénéteau offers a greater possibility of customisation. You can in fact choose four possible layouts, from two to four cabins and a variable number of bathrooms, dirreferent kind of wood, fabrics and colours. The basic price proposed at the Exhibition of Paris is 167,880 Euros, VAT included.

Technical File

Ft Length      12,43 m

Width          4,20 m

Draught           2,18 m

Displacement    8.780 Kg

Water Tank                   240 l

Fuel Tank         200 l

Engine              45 hp


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