World premiered at the recent Düsseldorf boat show, the new PIRELLI 30 is, once again, the result of a joint collaboration netween TecnoRib and the renowned Swedish Mannerfelt Design Team.

The prestigious pencil of Ted Mannerfelt, head of the studio, has brought to life the latest, and smallest, model in the famous boat range. This entry level, approximately 10 metres in length, retains the traditional features of comfort and sportiness typical of the Walkarounds line, while accentuating its dynamism even more.

Pirelli 30 at bootDesigned and produced to concretely meet the precise demands of the market, PIRELLI 30 is perfect both as a shadow boat and as a day cruiser, In short, great performance in small spaces.
The new addition to the range is an entry level without a cabin that maintains the walkaround concept,” said Gianni de Bonis, CEO of SacsTecnoRib.This is the first time we have produced a boat that is not also in an inboard version, precisely to emphasize its sportiness”.

The new PIRELLI 30 in detail

In terms of space, pirelli 30 seatingthis Rib is truly surprising: although being a small boat, it offers the feel of being on board a much larger vessel.

The stern accommodates two opposing seats with a fold-down table to transform the area into a large sunbathing area. Next to the helm station is a comfortable changing area with a sink and toilet.

Two configurations are possible at the bow: one completely walkaround, to move easily from one side of the boat to the other, and the other, more in classic Mediterranean style, with a full-beam sundeck.

The PIRELLI 30 is the first Rib that will only be offered in an outboard version, with three possible options: the most powerful one, shown at the Düsseldorf show, has two 300HP engines, while the others will have two 200HP or 250HP engines.

The new, and smaller, addition to the PIRELLI Walkarounds range fits perfectly into the concept of the line, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for great performance while maintaining the comfort of day cruising, or even for those looking for a sporty and dynamic support boat.


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