PlasDECK , behind the scenes of a pioneering company

engineeringThe only synthetic teak that never ages, PlasDeck is the choice of the world’s top boat builders. A great innovation in the yachting sector, it is successfully replacing other materials to become the only durable and efficient solution for marine decking.

“We have worked hard in R&D and today we are the only ones with this technology,” says Francesco Martorelli, who runs the company together with his sons Daniele (International Sales Coordinator) and Simone (Shipyards and B2B Manager).

“We currently have two processing lines: a classic one in which we choose the jigs and make the boat deck artisanally, and a custom line in which we are the only ones to guarantee innovative processing and high-tech customization”.

PlasDECK’s processing method is high-quality in terms of instrumentation and upgrades, in order to offer the market a very high quality service not only in the product itself, but in every processing-related aspect.

plasdeck aerial

“It sounds simple, but there is a lot of work behind it,” Mr. Martorelli explains. “In our custom production we make the surveys with super technological equipment, we transfer them to the computers and then we machine the product using numerical control: this process enables us to guarantee any customization on any type of boat, even very large ones.

plasdeck realizationIt’s not only thanks to technology and computers as one might superficially think, quite the contrary: “The drawings are elaborated by flesh-and-blood technicians, who do further surveys with a drone and a computer programme created specifically for our work. In fact, the company uses a special drone to take the measurements of the deck and transfer them digitally to the PC, so that everything is perfectly aligned”.

PlasDECK is constantly expanding and employs highly qualified workers, including a team of programming engineers and installers, as well as craftsmen specialized in the production of boat decking solutions. “Our company is based in Trento and works with more than fifty prestigious companies in Italy and an increasing number of foreign manufacturers,” concludes Mr. Martorelli, “most of them have chosen custom production precisely because of its quality.

Among them is Tecnomar for Lamborghini, which uses the PlasDECK Performance product on the deck of a boating excellence.


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