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It will be launched next August 2018 and, with its 183 metres of length and 25,000 tons of gross tonnage, it will be one of the most luxurious polar cruise ships in the world.

The announcement comes from Crystal Cruises Company, which has called the polar ship “Crystal Endeavour“, in honour of James Cook, who sailed on its HMS Endeavour to discover Australia and New Zealand 250 years ago.

Crystal Endeavour will host 200 passengers in 100 suites along its polar routes in the Arctic and Antarctic but also tropical destinations and it will be built by the German Werfy Lloyd Group.

Megayacht - antartide

The aim of the cruise company if to offer adventurous destinations with great comfort and luxury. This is why the ship will be provided with the most advanced technologies to sail in the polar zones in summer and autumn and then from the Arctic to the Antarctic (by following the same migration route than whales), where it will arrive in winter, by reaching the most remote islands of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

tropical - megayacht - Crystal Endeavour

Destinations and itineraries apart, the ship offerts a lot of innovative activities. Passengers will have the possibility, in fact, to enjoy fly expeditions on two helycopters and there will be also small submarines (for 7 people), eight electric amphibious rubber boats, water motors, kayaks, paddle boards, scuba diving equipments and a hyperbaric chamber. Moreover, the upper part of the megayacht will be provided to offer a 270-degree-view for whales sighting.

The ship is also provided with a spa, near a one-thousand-square-metre-winter garden, yoga spaces, jacuzzi pools, gyms, an infinity pool, six restaurants, a 200-places-theatre, several reading rooms, a cinema and a computer hall.

The crew will be made up of 200 people in order to offer a one-to-one relationship with guests.

Standard suites will be 40 square metres (with balcony)wide , while the two imperial suites will be 250 square metres wide, terrace included.

Booking will start next May but prices are not known yet.


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