Ports & Marinas Survey. Portovenere: excellent assistance but too few toilets!

The following study on the marina of Portovenere inaugurates our special section dedicated to the Italian ports and marinas. Our goal is to collect objective data, verify the presence and quality of the services provided and make a judgement on their technical and environmental features from the yachtsman’s point of view.

Our survey will develop through the real use of these services experienced during our cruises on board our lab-boat and other boats on which we’re going to sail in the next few months.

From the methodological point of view, the port facilities will be scored according to their services whose quality will be, in turn, scored on a scale from 0 to 5. The final score will enable us to establish a final ranking of the marinas at the end of our survey.

In order to evaluate the price/services ratio, we’ve considered the daily rate required for a 12-metre boat as the standard value by which the total score will be divided in order to have a mathematical coefficient which will reflect the right quality/price ratio.

Both indicators will be recorded on the pages of our online pilot book, accessible from the page of the selected port through a direct link.



The marina of Portovenere is literally nestled in the heart of the namesake fishing village. It’s a small facility built in the area of the old port, whose original physiognomy is still visible despite the adaptation and enlargement works carried out over the years. While it may be considered as a constraint by some groups of people, this represents an added value for us and one of the reasons why this port is so attractive.

Run by a joint venture of which the City Council holds 51% of shares, the marina has been headed by Marina Misenti for 20 years. Marina has now become the symbol of the marina. Everyone amongst sailors knowns her.

With 32 berths, the marina can host yachts and superyachts up to 50 meters in length. In summer, it is crowded with motor megayachts. From September to June, the trend is generally inversed. Home to two sailing schools – Caprera and Horca Myseria – the small dock gets filled up with sailboats, students and instructors, plunged in a climate of conviviality which enhances the hospitality of the marina.

The staff

It is made up of four fixed-term employees and some seasonal workers. Skilled and competent, moorings attendants offer a good assistance service both at the dock and at sea thanks to their dinghy service. When necessary, especially in case of heavy weather, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can count on long-experienced workers, used to steer big yachts in very narrow spaces.


All quays are equipped with electricity (220 and 380 volt) and water columns. Relieving ropes are distinguishable and mooring attendants are always available to solve any problem. The mooring posts are reliable and safe on both quays.

How to enter the marina

Approaching to the marina is quite simple. Coming from East, the village is well-distinguishable and yachtsmen are just required to use caution to heavy traffic, especially in summer. Coming from West, sailors are asked to enter St. Peter’s Channel and navigate in the middle.


The port entrance ensures a smooth transition but is subject to a heavy traffic of boats, yachts and ferries running between Palmaria and Cinque Terre. Yachtsmen are required to contact the marina on channel 9 before entering.

Manoeuvring spaces

Despite its small size, the port offers yachtsmen the possibility to steer their boat comfortably and select the most convenient route according to the wind direction and the berth position. The presence of megayachts can make things a little harder since they take up a lot of space within the basin.

Toilets and showers

They are the sore point of the marina. Although restored in 2008 and perfectly clean, toilets are insufficient and inadeguate to sustain the flows of transiting yachtsmen. There are just four showers: two in the ladies’ room and two in the men’s room.

Rubbish collection

The marina is equipped with a specific area where rubbish is collected separately by type. Unfortunately, however, only few yachtsmen really understand the importance and value of the service. On many occasions, we’ve seen groups of mooring attendants separating the rubbish in order to minimize the disadvantages.

Technical Assistance

The marina offers no garages or mechanics. Where necessary, the marina can ask for external assistance services.


Size From October 1st to May 31st From June 1st to September 30th
up to 10 m 36.60 73.20
10.01-12 m 48.80 97.60
12.01-15 m 61.00 122.00
15.01-18 m 85.40 170.80
18.01-20 m 109.80 219.60
20.01-22 m 134.20 268.40
22.01-24 m 158.60 353.80
24.01-26 m 244.00 390.40
26.01-32 m 305.00 488.00
32.01-35 m 427.00 671.00
35.01-40 m 610.00 976.00
40.01-45 m 732.00 1,098.00
45.01-50 m 854.00 1,342.00

Technical File

pilot book
Direct link to our “ports and anchorages” section


SERVICE Value (when the service is available) Availability Score Feedback0-5
Hospitality 5
Vhf Assistance 5
Mooring assistance (from the dock) YES=3 yes 3
Mooring assistance (dinghy) YES=5 yes 5
Toilets 3
Showers 3
Filling station YES=5 no 0
24/7 Mooring Assistance YES=4 no 0
Parking YES=4 no 0
Mooring Assistance YES=5 yes 5
Waste Collection Centres 3
Emergency Dock YES=3 no 0
Supermarket YES=3 yes 3
Luggage Trucks YES=4 no 0
Scuba divers YES=3 yes 3
Luggage Carriage Assistance YES=2 no 0
Weather Forecast YES=3 yes 3
Wi-Fi YES=3 no 0
Night Watchmen YES=3 no 0
24/7 Video surveillance YES=3 no 0
Accessibility for disabled persons YES=5 no 0
Garages YES=4 no 0
Sewage Discharge and Pumping YES=3 no 0
Slipway YES=2 no 0
Play Area YES=2 no 0
Bikes YES=2 no 0
Laundromat YES=1 no 0
Crane (5 t) YES=1 yes 1
Crane (20 t) YES=3 no 0
Crane (50 t) YES=3 no 0
Ice machine YES=1 no 0
Electric charging columns YES=1 no 0
Webcam YES=1 yes 1
Concierge Service for hotel/rental/restaurant bookings YES=2 no 0
Moto, car, luxury car rental YES=2 no 0
Total 24 19
Total Score by The International Yachting Media 43
Daily mooring rate for a 12-metre boat (in high season) 97,60
Quality/Price Ratio Coefficient 0,441

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