Quick Spa acquires Sanguineti, an icon of the superyacht market

quick spaThe operation is completed. Quick Spa, the leader of nautical accessories owned by Fondo Italiano d’Investimento SGR, Armònia SGR and the Marzucco family, has signed an agreement to purchase 100 percent of Sanguineti Chiavari Produzione Articoli Nautici S.r.l.

A strongly desired operation that incorporates into the Quick group the Ligurian company specialising in the design and production of complex components for large pleasure boats, including gangways, boarding ladders, bathing ladders, tender handling systems, deck accessories and customised furnishings.

Sanguineti is a company offering important manufacturing skills and a brand recognized worldwide for its quality and reliability, in a segment of the market with great potential for growth,” says Quick’s CEO Michele Marzucco. “Sanguineti represents the first step in a project that aims to position Quick as a supplier of advanced value-added systems in all market segments,”

With this acquisition, ladderQuick further strengthens its position in the superyacht and mega-yacht segment, in a process that had already begun with the design and production of gyroscopic stabilisers, fins, windlasses and large propellers which have led to the growth of the company’s customer and product portfolio.

A production that Quick aims to strengthen and consolidate through new industrialized production lines aimed to serve even smaller vessels and stimulate growth by leveraging the Group’s sales, distribution and service network.

The Sanguineti takeover is a valuable opportunity for Quick, allowing the Group to set up new synergies in sales and production; another step on the ambitious path toward becoming a more important player in the nautical components sector,” says Gianpaolo Di Dio, Senior Partner of Fondo Italiano and Chairman of the Board of Quick “We are seeing a lot of interest in our consolidation project among entrepreneurs in the industry, and we hope to continue on this path and announce more new buyouts of outstanding companies in the supply chain as early as this year.”

Sanguineti accessoriesSuch optimism is also shared by Alessandro Grimaldi, Chief Executive Officer of Armònia SGR and member of the Quick Board of Directors: “We are very happy to include an iconic brand like Sanguineti in our portfolio, and we are convinced that we can nurture its untapped potential for further development. We have an important investment plan in mind to make Sanguineti the leader in handling across all market segments.”

Certainly not an easy decision for Sanguineti, a family business established in 1958, but one that passes the baton with great pride: “I was born into this company, and it’s been a big part of my family and my life; for thirty years I have played a proactive role in the company – says Simona Sanguineti, Sanguineti shareholder – Today I am proud to pass the baton to a Group that will continue to pursue the values for which Sanguineti stands out, and add new ones favouring further growth. A heartfelt thanks to all our employees, who have always nurtured Sanguineti’s success by responding to the needs of our customers.”



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