Quick Gyro reliable stability: Quick launches a new video

“Quick Gyro: reliable stability”, the new video on Quick gyro stabilizers

Quick-Gyro-Reliable-stability-videoA video that, through images, words and emotions, tells the true essence of Quick Gyro stabilizers. An amazing documentary film that Quick Spa, the international leader of marine accessories, is pleased to announce to its customers all over the world and to all those who would like to equip their own boats with a gyroscopic stabilizer, the importance of which is clearly explained by Quick Spa in this film with great visual and narrative impact.

From in-house manufacturing to the reasons that underline some of the company’s important collaborations and achievements of recent years, the new video, entitled Quick Gyro: reliable stability, fully illustrates what Quick Spa President and CEO Michele Marzucco defines as ” our gem. Only by showing the production process that takes place, in all its phases, within our company – Mr. Marzucco says – we can transmit the advantages of the Quick Gyro stabilizer and the values underlying it: technology and innovation, combined with the upmost attention to details and Made in Italy which, now more than ever, means high quality and sense of belonging”.

All Quick Spa products are in-house manufactured

The creation of the video was Quick-Gyro-Reliable-stability-productionthe occasion for Quick Spa to open the doors of the company and its production: every single part of a stabilizer is manufactured in the in-house mechanical workshop, then carefully assembled and subjected to a test of at least twelve hours through the use of a weighbridge that simulates situations of maximum stress and rolling, all in-house. Quick Gyro: reliable stability contains some very important statements that prove the great trust and the international success that Quick Gyro stabilizers are winning.

The MC² Quick Gyro developed by Quick Spa is equipped with a mass revolving on a horizontal axis, a feature that significantly reduces the mechanical stress, produces less friction and therefore needs lower heat output. The MC² Quick Gyro system is air-cooled; therefore, it does not require water pumps or seawater inlets, unlike water-cooled systems.


“Quick Gyro, reliable stability”, the story of a worldwide success

Based in Ravenna, Quick Spa engineers and manufactures all its products rigorously in-house, at its production units in Italy. Quick Spa’s catalogue ranges from gyroscopic stabilizers to technical and decorative marine lighting, passing through windlasses, anchoring systems, propellers, thrusters and boilers. Quick Spa boasts the largest and most widespread service network in the world. And this says a lot about its great success in the marine accessories sector. Seeing is believing!

Quick Spa
Via Piangipane 120/a
48124 Piangipane (RA) – Italy


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