With the 12V power supply, the Quick Gyro Stabilizers revolutionize the market of boat stabilizers.

Quick Spa unveiled a true revolution at the last Genoa Boat Show: from today, in fact, a 12V power supply will be available for all Quick Gyro Stabilizers, including the X13 model which, with an anti-rolling torque of 13,000 Nm, can stabilize small and medium-sized boats.

The revolutionary MC² X DC series, indeed, includes five brand-new stabilizers. Two of them are specially designed for small-sized boats and available only in a 12V version while the other three are suited to bigger boats and available in versions from 220 to 12 V.

Quick Gyro Stabilizer, here are the new stabilizers

The stabilizers Quick MC²-X2of the DC (direct current) series are a true revolution. The main innovation lies in the 12V power supply that allows to supply the stabilizers directly from the batteries available on board, without the need to use a generator or, worse, an inverter which, as you know, not only develops much heat and noise but also dissipates up to 35% of the transformed current.

As a result, the overall consumption will be significantly lower and the stabilizers will be even more “silent”.

These new features join the already interesting peculiarities of the gyroscopic stabilizers made by the Italian company. Quick, in fact, has always used an innovative mass revolving system that, revolving on a horizontal axis, enables the stabilizer to distribute the weight on more bearings. Competitors, instead, use a mass revolving system that, revolving on a vertical axis, forces the mass to “lean” on a single bearing that inevitably ends up producing much heat.

Quick Gyro Stabilizer 12VDue to this lower heat generation, Quick stabilizers does not need any bulky water-cooling systems and are made in extremely compact dimensions.

Combining these new characteristics and the ones introduced with the new DC 12V series, Quick has actually succeeded in creating a truly Plug&Play system whose installation is extremely easy. In order to install the system, in fact, you only need to secure the small device to the structure of your boat, connect it to the batteries (or better, to a dedicated battery pack) and the rolling of your boat will immediately stop at the simple push of a button.

Quick Gyro Stabilizers : the new MC² Quick Gyro – Series DC on test

The statement of the last paragraph Quick MC²-Gyro X2 DCmight sound as a questionable conclusion if we had not had the opportunity to test, firsthand and in absolute premiere, the new MC² Quick Gyro X2 on the Axopar 28 (the boat that Quick uses for its tests).

Once in the open sea, in order to increase the wave motion, we asked the Pardo 43 (another Quick demo boat) to plane right by us and provoke a really important wave; even in this extreme case, the anti-rolling effect was excellent.

The new MC² Quick Gyro X2 delivered a very good performance, even though there were four of us on board the Axopar 28 whose laden displacement is almost equal to three tons.

The following video clearly shows the effect that even the smallest of the Quick Gyro Stabilizers can deliver.


A Quick Gyro Stabilizer for every boat

The new MC² Quick Gyro X2 and MC² Quick Spa boothQuick Gyro X3 stabilizers are designed to be installed on small boats. More specifically, the first is perfect for day cruisers and small-sized center console boats while the second is suited to sportfish and small cabin cruisers.

For all these boats featuring small storage room and usually powered by inboard engines, a compact 12V battery-powered stabilizer is the ideal option.

The MC² Quick Gyro X5, MC² Quick Gyro X7 and MC² Quick Gyro x13 stabilizers, instead, are designed to be installed on bigger boats. The choice between the DC and the traditional series will depend on the eventual presence of a 220V power supply on board.

Anyway, the ideal stabilization for every boat must be calculated since there are many factors that influence it. Fortunately, this is a calculation that Quick performs for its customers for free.

Quick SpA

Via Piangipane 120/a – Piangipane (RA)



One Response

  1. On the connector for dc voltage to the display there is not a clear wiring diagram for the 3 term connector assembly.
    Can I please get a wiring pin out diagram for this connector housing assembly.
    We are installing a 120VAC gyro in our new 42Gls series boat.
    Ely Hipke

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