Quick Spa is growing: record turnover in 2022

quick spa headquartersQuick Spa, a renowned company specializing in the production of high-quality marine equipment, is constantly growing, and the numbers confirm it.

Founded in the 1980s, Quick offers a wide range of high-tech products, including battery chargers, thrusters and mooring systems, gyro stabilizers, marine and decorative lighting, winches and anchoring systems for yachts of all types and sizes. Each of its product lines is designed, engineered and manufactured exclusively at its Italian headquarters in Ravenna, Italy.

A high-profile company then, whose figures have shown strong growth in recent years, with consolidated sales rising from 36 million euros in 2018 to 62 million euros in 2022 thanks to a strong development most important markets, Italy and the United States: in 2022 alone they recorded a 27 percent and 23 percent increase in revenues, respectively, over the previous year.

Overall, all product lines experienced quick sales growth in the past year: winches increased 41%, lighting 22%, electronics 21%, and thrusters 26%. Sales of MC2 gyro stabilizers alone amounted to 11 million in 2022, registering 252% growth over 2018. All products can be viewed in Quick’s futuristic virtual online store.

These production siteremarkable figures are in part symptomatic of a healthy marine sector in a post-Covid market, but they are also thanks to two important business actions that have set the company on a new trajectory in recent years.

The first was in 2018 when CEO Michele Marzucco’s business partner and co-founder stepped aside. This opened the way for a new generation of entrepreneurs when his children, Chiara and Carlo, joined the company management as vice-presidents.

The second took place in August last year when Fondo Italiano d’Investimento and Armònia signed an agreement for the acquisition of a majority 70 percent stake in the capital of Quick Spa,” says Chiara Marzucco, who is also Marketing Director. “The aim was to provide further impetus to the growth path already undertaken by the Group and increase development opportunities through an ambitious consolidation and acquisition program. This M&A project is very ambitious and aimed at enhancing the many Italian excellences in the sector. We believe consolidation is a means of improving customer service and becoming more competitive in a growing market with numerous development opportunities”.

Quick Spa: in-house know-how and production are the secrets for this success

quick spa nautical equipmentFundamental to the success of the brand is the fact that all its product engineering and manufacturing is done in-house at the 50,000-sqm production site in Ravenna.

We have five internal divisions focused on developing our product ranges that are vertically integrated into the production process,” says Chiara Marzucco. “So, we have technical departments for electronic, mechanical, lighting, stabilization and a team of software developers. Keeping it all in-house means we’ve built up a lot of technological know-how over the years, allowing us to propose increasingly competitive solutions.”

By way of example, Chaira Marzucco points to the new MC² Seacentric System presented during METSTRADE 2022. The integrated system includes the Viator fin stabilizer, the Intercepta trim tab and the well-known Quick Gyro gyroscopic stabilizer, which work together to provide 360-degree motion control both at anchor and underway thanks to proprietary software that optimises the algorithms coordinating the single systems.

Equallymarine accessories crucial is that Quick Spa can provide its customers with a service network that guarantees worldwide support. In fact, in addition to international offices in Baltimore, USA, and Southampton, UK (both responsible for developing commercial activities), the group has more than 80 distributors and service points in 110 countries around the globe.

The company also organizes frequent training programs for technical partners and dealers in order to ensure they stay up to date with the latest developments and maintenance procedures, confirming Quick Spa’s commitment to providing high-quality products and after-sales support.

“We are strongly committed to environmental protection in all aspects of our business,” says Chiara Marzucco. “So we direct part of our investments into researching and developing resources to reduce waste while making our production processes cleaner and more efficient.”


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